Kinda crazy how it seems like bro was living a normal ass life up until a few months ago
Wonder what happened
Mk ultra believers feasting rn
Edit: nah tbh i do understand normal life not the right word considering how bad his back problems were. I was just referring to him travelling Asia earlier this year and being in p good spirits by all accounts
Ayahuasca one shot
Thats what some of the media and his friends are saying it as of now. He had back surgery and isolated himself after it
His family wasn't able to contact him for weeks
"Luigi Mangione’s friends say they lost touch with him about six months ago after he had back surgery."
I was reading NYT profile article and it said he had big surgery in 2023. Did he have another this year too? After he came back from his Asia travels i guess he must have. Poor guy
dude feels like a patsy even though its most likely him it feels so odd
The media wants to make a prime example out of him and it's terribly failing, thats why it feels so patsy
Kinda crazy how it seems like bro was living a normal ass life up until a few months ago
Wonder what happened
Mk ultra believers feasting rn
Edit: nah tbh i do understand normal life not the right word considering how bad his back problems were. I was just referring to him travelling Asia earlier this year and being in p good spirits by all accounts
Why would America do that to themselves
Why would America do that to themselves
Nah i don't believe that at all, just I can see how this gon be one for conspiracy theorists considering the peculiarities
I actually think everything explainable, I'm just curious to know the process that lead bro to decide this the path he will take. Was it a breakdown or some political snap, or mixture of the 2.
niggas snitching for the cost of water at mcdonalds
The media wants to make a prime example out of him and it's terribly failing, thats why it feels so patsy
All the people that called him a hero online really should stand up for him and not let him root in jail
We stan an ice cream sharing king
KTT user gets arrested for shooting United Healthcare CEO
this mfer really just one of us
I really love this guy (platonically)
"Wonder what happened"
They f***ed up his back surgery, thats what happened
Yeah lol like it ain't that deep
I really love this guy (platonically)
Never felt this way for another man before PAUSE
Just heard the news ... WTF ? What is the world turning into ? RIP to that man and hope his familly find peace.
Hol’ up he’s already been charged with murder that was crazy quick elites really want their “ladies and gentlemen…we got him” moment
Apparently his fingerprints have been matched to some found on the crime scene
Here We Go“To the Feds, I'll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the indecipherable largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these indecipherable have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allwed them to get away with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.”