Some projects from this year that I felt got overlooked but I really enjoyed them. Linked playlist wit my fav song from each project below
Some projects from this year that I felt got overlooked but I really enjoyed them. Linked playlist wit my fav song from each project below
nigga i neeeedddddd a burning disire review nigga and plese try to get slime to slide for another interview, love da content mud
nigga i neeeedddddd a burning disire review nigga and plese try to get slime to slide for another interview, love da content mud
He’s touring down here next year so I’ll link up with him then prolly
Real for Daryl Johns and Corey lingo
Gonna have to peep that Bobby Fishscale/Zaytoven
Real for Daryl Johns and Corey lingo
Gonna have to peep that Bobby Fishscale/Zaytoven
Corey lingo so hard
@op u real for havin corey lingo on there!, for what its worth was sensational
Dookie-type sound? Alright, Eric.
QThree & groundskeepr - EMPOWERTRIP
Very talented guy
He’s touring down here next year so I’ll link up with him then prolly
aii love to see it