Soon there won’t be 9-5 jobs op
All jobs will be gigified and we’ll look back nostalgically for the days when you could get a 9-5
working = money = freedom to live how you'd prefer
or be a bum
edit: you changed the title. of course you dont HAVE to commit to a 9-5
You just step back and have a smoke while u watch the other rats zoom on by
U can work and not run in the race
Then u figure it out wut
9-5 works for most people and thats why when you want to leave that
You gotta figure out something that works for you on an individual basis theres no other alternative that works for most people
Easy, start a business in an area you enjoy but realize there’s more to it than your product
Or turn into Jenny from Forest Gump
Or just live on a hippy compound and farm
Do you have a strong will and a drive to be all you can be
what is this emoticon
Own your own business or figure out how to generate passive income.
Besides that, you just gonna have to suck it up like 99% of the world
I’d say post industrial revolution / division of labor
aite thas a broad recent but i get what ur tryn to say. unfortunately i do not think enough people would support changing that tradition since it has afforded them so much in the years since then
so you would either have to be one of the ppl who do brainstorm the better alternative or otherwise acquiesce
Tbh if you’re asking this question you probably don’t have a dig your own road mentality
No offense though
step one: grow up
edit: OP changed the title
This not what they wanna hear lol