Imma recommend lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven theres not a lot of lyrics but the music is cool
That s*** is so long
Wait this real?
he said it's being mixed but he's too old to make promises like that
I nominate
King Crimson - Larks’ Tongues in Aspic (progressive rock)
DAMN Yevin didn’t know you were into that
You gotta get in to get out
Fantano likes it? I’m in
Kidding, I’ll listen to it when the listening club gets to it
Fantano likes it? I’m in
Kidding, I’ll listen to it when the listening club gets to it
❤️ ❤️
Finished the album a bit ago. Enjoyed it. Will try to write a more detailed summary later today or tmr.
Didn’t realize how long this album was. Gonna take a while for me to fully consume this. Id say the figurehead is my favorite so far. What had this guy gone thru to write these lyrics
Just got done listening
my first time listening to The Cure, i really like them but i didn't LOVE this. had a great time listening though.
stand out songs: The Hanging Garden, Siamese Twins