have you ever seen your face what it looks like when in natural light
Artificial light is lightbulbs, LED, etc
I think I look better in natural light compared to artificial light
I think I look better in natural light compared to artificial light
I agree but for majority that’s why they hate the sunlight LMFAO
some girl I knew went out of her way to carry an umbrella in sunlight
I always thought I had a lazy eye because of this.
I've only ever noticed it in myself
Pretty sure it’s cause you subconsciously adjust your face for the angle your phone is held at so when it flips the image you look like an idiot
bruh just go in the photos app and flip the picture in the edits and it'll look normal...
That’s how this one girl on my Facebook look when she take selfies 💀 that s*** so ugly but she cute tho
When you're in an online meeting and someone share their screen so you finally get to know how people see you