just cheat on them
Then you don't get come out looking like the good guy at the end of the whole ordeal, especially if you're trying to get a great deal out of your divorce settlement.
Stay ahead of the game buddy.
Imagine avoiding personal responsibility to this degree.
Wakaresaseya specialise in breaking up relationships often through luring lovers into affairs or producing incriminating evidence. With fees ranging from $4000 (for simpler operations) to over $150 000 (for high profile marks and more complex operations) costumers, can hire a Wakaresaseya to either initiate an affair with their lovers. Wakaresaseya is most often used as evidence in divorce cases, but is sometimes used to shame individuals, forcing employees into resigning, forcing away a spouse's lover, or breaking up some other relationship. The general consensus among industry insiders is that men make easier targets with good looking operatives almost succeeding in seducing male marks.
Source: 1; 2; 3
Would you hire a Wakaresaseya
What kind of soap opera bullshit
dam both the rent a family and wakaresaseya are so dystopian but also like weirdly ingenius and kinda mind bending
It’s women in the states who will do this for you for kicks
The companies all agree on who makes the easiest target. “Men can always be seduced if the woman operative is reasonably good-looking,” says Hiwatashi. “That’s an absolute. Men are basically simpletons.”
Crazy how things like this make women look more loyal
Crazy how things like this make women look more loyal
“Mistresses aren’t difficult,” Takase adds. “Most Japanese women like rich, tall, handsome guys, so it’s easy to seduce them away.” Women are just as superficial