  • Feb 27, 2022
    Weekend KaTeezy

    also the only living organism that can love & laugh

    appropriate trade ff bro wtf

  • Feb 27, 2022
    Weekend KaTeezy

    oh yeah?

    what they do with that?

    they celebrate valentines day to a kevin hart movie and a five star dinner?

    no bro they eat dirt


  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Feb 27, 2022
    1 reply

    Humans are made up of many things that we aren’t flat out good or evil. But at our core we are more evil than anything on the planet. Animals kill other animals to protect their own territory and to eat. Unless I’m wrong animals don’t branch out to conquer other animal’s territory. We are the only species on this planet capable of things like imprisonment, torture, slavery. We are also the only ones killing the planet. Geocoding all forms of life from plants to animals to ourselves. We have no regard for human life as a whole when you factor in the hierarchy of things like a class system deciding who deserves what and who doesn’t. Animals need a reason to kill. Humans do it for sport. Humanity is a disease and the worst thing to happen to this planet we are killing. We don’t deserve the concept of Christ (I say concept for those who don’t believe ) but he still have his life for a fallen and hopeless species. That is the ultimate empathy.

  • Feb 27, 2022

    Humans are made up of many things that we aren’t flat out good or evil. But at our core we are more evil than anything on the planet. Animals kill other animals to protect their own territory and to eat. Unless I’m wrong animals don’t branch out to conquer other animal’s territory. We are the only species on this planet capable of things like imprisonment, torture, slavery. We are also the only ones killing the planet. Geocoding all forms of life from plants to animals to ourselves. We have no regard for human life as a whole when you factor in the hierarchy of things like a class system deciding who deserves what and who doesn’t. Animals need a reason to kill. Humans do it for sport. Humanity is a disease and the worst thing to happen to this planet we are killing. We don’t deserve the concept of Christ (I say concept for those who don’t believe ) but he still have his life for a fallen and hopeless species. That is the ultimate empathy.

    Humans are the only ones responsible for these things because we're the only ones with the cognitive capabilities to do them

    These capabilities are inherently neutral. The ability to hate a country millions of miles away is the flip side of the ability to care for a country millions of miles away

    Which of these tendencies are intensified is, I think, more dependent on your socioeconomic system than some inherent evil in human beings