Kanye for some soulful samples
Mike Dean from 2010-2013 with the synths and guitar work
Timbaland for the drums
The perfect blend
HM- Madlib for obscure samples and I would have Dilla help, but I don't wanna put vocals on holy Dilla beats and idk if the producer has to be alive or nah, RIP Dilla
Oneohtrix Point Never
frank dukes
draft punk
nice. seems like you'd make something I'd like to listen to
my guy brandon leger -he's released some great samples on kingsway if you'd like to purchase
Soriano - makes a lot of stuff for Eli Sostre.
They all aren't well known, but I think they all cover the sound that Id like to accomplish.
Everyone that said Pharrell and left out chad is gonna go double cardboard
its going to sample cardboard being hit as drums