I've this angry spot on my forehead, just looks like a big red lump.
My friend is telling me to put concealer on it because we're going out tonight.
Have you ever used concealer to cover up acne?
i sometimes wear makeup just to look gorgeous bro relax
Amber Heard did to cover up Johnny Depp’s physical abuse and misogynists denied the possibility of that
i sometimes wear makeup just to look gorgeous bro relax
There’s not enough makeup in the world for that to happen
i never have but it’s 2022 if u wanna wear makeup wear makeup
I remember a friend of mine did for his prom (we call it the grad, it's tied with the graduation), he had a boil or some sort of s*** on his cheek so he had his mother covered it up.
I just mentioned how I was pissed about this spot and she said told me to use concealer
If it’s bad I use plasters but mostly I have a routine and take of my skin in order to prevent it which I’d rather recommend to you if you’re thinking of doing this long time and not to cover up one stubborn spot
Also check out the video below to get some insight from someone that used to dump makeup on her face to cover acne and what happened when she transitioned from makeup to taking care of her skin
nah dem s***s just make it worse
wash your face with spectro and stop touching it throughout the day
Also the best acne plasters you can get are from Purito
Most transparent and efficient, stick great to your face, great for both extraction and scar recovery and best bang for your buck from experience
There’s not enough makeup in the world for that to happen
dam what did I do to you
dam what did I do to you
You’re looking too good it’s not fair to the rest of us
You’re looking too good it’s not fair to the rest of us
stfu pretty doctor boy!
only bought foundation one time to cover up a hickey. When i had acne i used to rock it raw, it builds character imo. Also mostly everyone gets acne, nothing to be ashamed of
only bought foundation one time to cover up a hickey. When i had acne i used to rock it raw, it builds character imo. Also mostly everyone gets acne, nothing to be ashamed of
p much this unless your acne is wild out of control and gonna cause scarring and s***
it breaks me to see kids taking all kinds of antibiotics for acne tho man, regular use of antibiotics for stuff like acne just obliterates your gut microbiome and immune system and can cause permanent problems
p much this unless your acne is wild out of control and gonna cause scarring and s***
it breaks me to see kids taking all kinds of antibiotics for acne tho man, regular use of antibiotics for stuff like acne just obliterates your gut microbiome and immune system and can cause permanent problems
yeah unless it's really bad cystic acne then medical intervention is needed imo. Drink water, wash your face, eat moderately healthy and change your pillow cover and it should pretty much clear up any other cases.