I think I did with Mr Robot but I'm not 100% sure
Mr RobotS*** was god-tier the whole way through.
i was watching mr robot but i got bored of it quick af
Lost was the first s*** I ever caught as it aired from the pilot , funny considering I was a kid flipping through channels
Not really
The oc
the leftovers
better call saul when that last season wraps up
Nah I'm usually like a season late to shows lol
Except Atlanta tbh
Full house
Better Call Saul
Zero rn
BCS but I gave up after S4
Currently, Barry & Atlanta
I will for Atlanta but most shows i watched i watched a bit later
game of thrones
Game of Thrones
mr robot s3 forward i wish i saw it from pilot
i may or may not have watched s2 as it came out too but i’m unsure