Yeah. It may not die out for 20 years or longer.
I may not use it but I know it may be the most popular thing people use today
Definitely even if something new and even more addictive/invasive comes along
Forums and message boards still get traffic in the social media age
I was thinking eventually everyone gets tired of things so I wonder when we will get tired of being on smartphones so much. We can already see it happen in some people but I wonder if it would hit the masses
probably even bigger
i think we finally gonna get real ass holograms
Imagine chatting with each other via hologram
It’s here to stay only people on ktt with no friends (not saying this to be mean) think that nobody uses social media
Let's pray it stops though or becomes more private.
It’s here to stay only people on ktt with no friends (not saying this to be mean) think that nobody uses social media
Let's pray it stops though or becomes more private.
wont happen. its too big now, the internet is only becoming more accessible by the day. The only thing changing is how these sites are being policed.