Been thinking about it i don't even think it's possible, at least the game everyone wants. Everyone wants a superman arkham type of game where we can travel around metropolis but dude is too op and if you take away his powers he's not really superman anymore. What do you guys think
The opening of God Of War 2019 makes me think a Superman game can work. S*** that whole game honestly.
Kratos was lifting up while temples and flipping them over, also doing other over the top stuff as far as feats go.
Also we got like 100 DBZ games and Goku is pretty much Japan’s Superman equivalent.
I think it could work if people took time to develop the game honestly
idk its weird cus superman is too op
a typical AC/arkham fighting system wont work cause tf superman have to dodge for
a classic superman would involve a lot of regular catostrophes caused by nature or bigass mistakes
idk how fun superman would be in a city setting
it should be set on an alien planet
idk its weird cus superman is too op
a typical AC/arkham fighting system wont work cause tf superman have to dodge for
a classic superman would involve a lot of regular catostrophes caused by nature or bigass mistakes
idk how fun superman would be in a city setting
it should be set on an alien planet
just make it a god of war style game where he’s battling the more cosmic side of his rogues gallery.
Boss battles with dudes like Brainiac, Zod, Doomsday, Lobo etc
Maybe if it took place on a different planet and Superman was allowed to go all out doing crazy s*** with his powers
But the typical Superman setting of Clark Kent by day and stopping bank robbers at night is just f***ing boring
Bioware already did anthem’s flying is amazing, WB need’s to have them work on the flying portion of the game
@YEEZUS be real, a SP game wouldnt be fun tbh.
I mean it can work. I dont know how great it can be since superman is basically invincible unless everyone happens to have kryptonite
Responses in thread is why we won’t ever have a superman game, niggas don’t have the vision or creativity to even visualize one
Lets be real, a SP game wouldnt be fun tbh.
People said that Batman
Responses in thread is why we won’t ever have a superman game, niggas don’t have the vision or creativity to even visualize one