Idk, hold your breath and swallow your spit for 30 secs, tends to work for me. Somebody told me that when I was a little kid and it's never not worked
a variation of this has always worked for me. big breath, hold it, then fill your mouth with air and "swallow" the air into your lungs to like, overfill them. repeat until you have a strong need to breathe out, job done. always works for me
my teacher did this to me in 10th grade I was about to drop to the floor
cool dude tho used to smoke cigs with him during recess
I wish i had a teacher that cool in high school
Take a deep breath as you can get, pinch your nose like shut and hold your breath until two hiccups “should have happened” then you can breathe again and hiccups are gone.
Big deep breath, full exhale (get all the air out of your lungs), hold your breath, then swallow 3 times consecutively while still holding your breath. This seems to reset the muscle that “causes” hiccups, idk why but it works
Drink water from the far side of the cup ...
I have a sure fire way that works 100% if the time. My friends always ask me to remind them of the strat. It’s like a party trick