The beginning of Nikes will never get old, man. There’s just something about that drop that is so special
The beginning of Nikes will never get old, man. There’s just something about that drop that is so special
Feels like ur floating in a pool at night
On some “Poolside convos abt ur summer last night”
just got chills thinking about it
Perfect intro to a perfect album
The beginning of Nikes will never get old, man. There’s just something about that drop that is so special
genuinely one of my fav musical moments ever. just hits different for some reason
we’ll let you guys prophesize
Kindve wish blonde never dropped so you mfs would shut the f*** up about it
Good album but goddamn
Kindve wish blonde never dropped so you mfs would shut the f*** up about it
to be fair this thread was asking for other moments similar to the nikes drop
I will NEVER shut up about Blonde
Kindve wish blonde never dropped so you mfs would shut the f*** up about it
Antisocial behavior
Dhl & lens better than anything on blonde his new album will be better
Brother said DHL
Dhl & lens better than anything on blonde his new album will be better
Scorching hot take
I will NEVER shut up about Blonde
Same bro