Why are we discussing a rapper cheating on his girl 12 years ago?
Why we discussing and basing our entire personalities on millionaires quarrels ( not me )
Why we discussing and basing our entire personalities on millionaires quarrels ( not me )
I mean you’re the one crying about why did he lie to his girlfriend twelve years ago. Maybe you should ask yourself that
I mean you’re the one crying about why did he lie to his girlfriend twelve years ago. Maybe you should ask yourself that
I am saying he tells you that he is a human being and you still treat him like a God . I say the same sentiment to Drake fans
Kendrick will never tell you all his faults on every album or year
I only worship Allah
You got a feastables photo you worship whoever lol
My profile picture is ironic. I’m laughing at them. You’re legit the first person that needed to have that explained
I am saying he tells you that he is a human being and you still treat him like a God . I say the same sentiment to Drake fans
Kendrick will never tell you all his faults on every album or year
I only worship Allah
How am I treating him like god? I think he had the better songs in the beef and I like his music. That’s where it begins and ends with Kendrick for me.
How am I treating him like god? I think he had the better songs in the beef and I like his music. That’s where it begins and ends with Kendrick for me.
That’s real some do the most
My profile picture is ironic. I’m laughing at them. You’re legit the first person that needed to have that explained
The jokes on here be only sarcasm
Let's gooo
It’s 2025 not moving at most no online at Launch but main game 2025
That’s real some do the most
There are some people like @ManU_Minute that take it too far and fall down the KAnon rabbit hole but I as someone who fw Kanye more than any of the “big 3” I just can’t cosign Kendrick Stan’s being just as bad.
We’ve seen Drake stans post racist s***, defend messing with minors, post animal p***, post gender reassignment surgery vids, and that’s not even everything
There are some people like @ManU_Minute that take it too far and fall down the KAnon rabbit hole but I as someone who fw Kanye more than any of the “big 3” I just can’t cosign Kendrick Stan’s being just as bad.
We’ve seen Drake stans post racist s***, defend messing with minors, post animal p***, post gender reassignment surgery vids, and that’s not even everything
Not about equivalent just no self awareness
Zachariah from Birmingham >>>Evil Zack
Evil Zack racism not that funny
Damn fr? he really is evil zack fr
There are some people like @ManU_Minute that take it too far and fall down the KAnon rabbit hole but I as someone who fw Kanye more than any of the “big 3” I just can’t cosign Kendrick Stan’s being just as bad.
We’ve seen Drake stans post racist s***, defend messing with minors, post animal p***, post gender reassignment surgery vids, and that’s not even everything
The one who took it the furthest is whoever it was who was going on rants about fence sitters being the devil and unwelcome and the need to pick sides line in the sand
The delusion them last few albums haven’t contributed to rap culture at all.
Guess you know more about rap culture than thugger
Because he made Drake look like a scared little b****. He ain’t need to go further
And now that rapper is broke as f*** he’s a statistic. Literally who?
Lmaooo the mental gymnastics. Arguably the biggest ATL rapper begging for Drake to come back cause the game isn’t the same and yall are like Drake isn’t the culture
This is facts btw
Some lames ktt truly think the 2 albums are disses against drake