Rich Gang, Slime Season 1 & 2 not being on streaming platforms is criminal. I love the general reception SMF has gotten but we all know this was long overdue.
There is still no logical reason these tapes aren’t available on streaming platforms
They 100% need to get these on streaming. Never too late obviously
Thugger girls underrated ?
Cult favorite, the masses wont catch on until years later.
Only true Thug fans can appreciate THUGGER Girls.
I think SS3 is the worst of all 3, SS2 > SS1 > SS3
Hey, I and Phoenix make it a 10/10 for me
Daddy's Birthday can't get over this song.
One of my go to Thug songs it's timeless
Second verse is one of the smoothest flows he ever did.
Trav literally just did Thugs verse with less charisma and worse lyrics. What a joke
So much fun really never gets boring, replay that s*** 100 times its still as fun as it was the first one
I swear Iowa is a Thug song I never see mentioned. I love that song.
real 1
I think SS3 is the worst of all 3, SS2 > SS1 > SS3
Hey, I and Phoenix make it a 10/10 for me
SS1 > SS2 > SS3 for me
Raw is top10 Thug song for me though
I swear Iowa is a Thug song I never see mentioned. I love that song.
My top 1 thug song
Trav literally just did Thugs verse with less charisma and worse lyrics. What a joke
Didn't even bother listening he f***s up all Thugs s***
Didn't even bother listening he f***s up all Thugs s***
dude is f***in terrible
dude is f***in terrible
LMAO I f*** wit him he just has this weird ass thing of f***ing up Thugs songs idgi
LMAO I f*** wit him he just has this weird ass thing of f***ing up Thugs songs idgi
Exposed for what he really is when he’s next to a real talent
Exposed for what he really is when he’s next to a real talent
To be fair Thug is talented beyond comprehension
Travis actually skated on the Hot remix tbh, even though his flow was a direct ripoff of Thug’s verse
Daddy's Birthday can't get over this song.
One of my go to Thug songs it's timeless
Second verse is one of the smoothest flows he ever did.
red bottoms. im @ met gala bout to spazz lmaoo epic
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red bottoms. im @ met gala bout to spazz lmaoo epic
Nigga f***ing floated on that s***.