my god
do yall understand the f***in classic leaks we're gonna be getting for yearsssss
@sab @Sissi @Failn_chill @Extendo @ActavisABabyBottle and Vahn(wish he signed up here)
Y’all real ones for welcoming me on ktt1 thug thread when I first joined y’all was like welcome slime since then y’all became my slimes on there
! new thing he does now with his voice pitched all the way up in the background like on those little parts in Lil Baby is amazing
@sab @Sissi @Failn_chill @Extendo @ActavisABabyBottle and Vahn(wish he signed up here)
Y’all real ones for welcoming me on ktt1 thug thread when I first joined y’all was like welcome slime since then y’all became my slimes on there
@sab @Sissi @Failn_chill @Extendo @ActavisABabyBottle and Vahn(wish he signed up here)
Y’all real ones for welcoming me on ktt1 thug thread when I first joined y’all was like welcome slime since then y’all became my slimes on there
this new thing he does now with his voice pitched all the way up in the background like on those little parts in Lil Baby is amazing
i know
@sab @Sissi @Failn_chill @Extendo @ActavisABabyBottle and Vahn(wish he signed up here)
Y’all real ones for welcoming me on ktt1 thug thread when I first joined y’all was like welcome slime since then y’all became my slimes on there
has there been anything released or leaked since Money Cars Clothes? just making sure i haven't missed anything :)
this snippets from 2018 but damn those are some big needs sounding FIRE
has there been anything released or leaked since Money Cars Clothes? just making sure i haven't missed anything :)
Nah, leaks been slow. Hopefully PUNK is actually otw
Nah, leaks been slow. Hopefully PUNK is actually otw
hope we get it early next year
hope we get it early next year
It definitely will drop next year for sure thug never went a whole year without dropping a project every year we feast back to back
so i asked connor films a thug photographer who hangs with his crew when punk could drop i asked between December and February he said yes its supposed to so i hope its not cap we need that man
! you for sharing this. Now I'm fiending for the full CDQ :(
my god
do yall understand the f***in classic leaks we're gonna be getting for yearsssss
! bleaks will be something
I just realized Thug was mocking that spider clown on Surf
These so-called gangsters don't know how to approach the man (totally)
I chop up his ass, I chop up his friends, his mamas, and all his six kids (whoa)
Can't find the video but I remember that clown was threatening Thug's whole family
Yooo remember back in July or so there was a “🅱️LEAKS” part 2? Like with songs like Twin Towers and s*** like that on it??? Does anyone still have a link to a .zip or whatever?
Yooo remember back in July or so there was a “🅱️LEAKS” part 2? Like with songs like Twin Towers and s*** like that on it??? Does anyone still have a link to a .zip or whatever?
Someone should definitely have it
@sab ?