  • Apr 16, 2021

    You’re not allowed to have a different opinion on KTT

    You can have a different opinion just don’t try to tell people why they have their opinion. Just say you don’t like the song. That’s for you and your ears to deal with.

    Not because other people blindly over hyping 🤣

  • Apr 16, 2021

    i actually cried listening to the first 20 seconds

    Lmao same bro wtf

  • Apr 16, 2021

    This so good wtf

  • Apr 16, 2021

    This song does nothing for me. One of the weakest on the entire tape. Drake's part of the song is very forgettable, same with Young Thug. Gunna washed both of them and it's not even close.

    So many better beats/songs Drake could have hopped on. I wonder why he chose this one. S*** almost made me fall asleep. Pass.

    Ok to bad for you me it gives me chills all over my skin my eyes all watered and my d*** half erected

  • Apr 16, 2021
    1 reply

    You’re not allowed to have a different opinion on KTT

    S*** is hilarious to me. People will really get mad at you because you don't share their opinion that a Drake song/feature is the best thing since sliced bread

  • Apr 16, 2021
    1 reply

    I said the song was wack to me and also said people are used to over-hyping damn near anything Drake is on (which I also believe to be true). You don't have to agree with either opinion but that's what I feel.

    Me not liking this song doesn't make me a hater and I'm not mad people like the song so take this weirdo energy somewhere else.

    I don't know why I can never just state an opinion and have people leave it alone. Go focus on the people who love the song as much as you do. Damn.

  • Apr 16, 2021
    2 replies

    Song good but why in the track before Gunna said “She wanna suck this pickle”

  • Apr 16, 2021
    2 replies

    What does that have to do with anything? So because many people hate on Drake, I should say something I think is wack is great? Huh?

    Where did I say that I hate that people enjoy his music/features? You're acting like I'm some Drake hater simply because I don't like one song and that's why I said you have weirdo energy on this topic. Just stop. I don't like the song. You like the song. That's fine. I'm done with this back and forth.

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Lmao greatdivine and ppl f***ing beef about MUSIC

  • Apr 16, 2021

    F***ing listen and enjoy jesus

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Nothing has to be overanalyzed

  • Apr 16, 2021

    i actually cried listening to the first 20 seconds

  • Apr 16, 2021
    1 reply

    these melodies hittin the soul

  • Apr 16, 2021
    1 reply

    best feat of 2020 and 2021 so far

  • Ok ok ok whole song actually tolerable. This is absolutely their best collab

  • Apr 16, 2021

    best feat of 2020 and 2021 so far


  • Apr 16, 2021

    What does that have to do with anything? So because many people hate on Drake, I should say something I think is wack is great? Huh?

    Where did I say that I hate that people enjoy his music/features? You're acting like I'm some Drake hater simply because I don't like one song and that's why I said you have weirdo energy on this topic. Just stop. I don't like the song. You like the song. That's fine. I'm done with this back and forth.

    I’m saying that you perceive that people over hype everything drake does. I’m pointing out there is plenty hate on everything he does

    Basically don’t try and speak on why others enjoy music because really it’s down to your taste being where others is. If it’s not for you it’s not for *YOU. What drake music does on the large scale aint present. If you go outside you see that lol.

    Man, why I let your bad vibes f*** up the thread. 🤣 back to discoing this good music

  • Apr 16, 2021

    these melodies hittin the soul

  • Apr 16, 2021

    Snuck Wayne in there lol


  • Apr 16, 2021

    why would you want a drake only version gunna slid

  • Apr 16, 2021


  • Apr 16, 2021

    Type “ I need some head and some moral support” in Twitter search 💀 Drake a demon

  • Apr 16, 2021

    crazy how young thug is the greatest rapper ever
