Did you go to So Much Fun tour? I think that was some of his best performances
I didn't, saw him 2018 at a festival and way back in the day on the days before rodeo tour. That's dope to hear though
How are ppl saying this performance was so good? What y'all basing it on? I judge live performances with how close they sound to the studio version
His Jimmy Fallon "Fate" performance is a good example of him doing amazing. Also a facebook concert he did last year with offset
lol why would you judge it on how close it sounds to a sanitised studio version? the best live performances are all about energy and the actual performance element as well as being musically pleasing
better have carti or imma be mad as s***
They're not cool, so you can get that terrible thought out your head
Glad he’s starting the roll out
Y’all been going crazy with the SMF hate this year
lol why would you judge it on how close it sounds to a sanitised studio version? the best live performances are all about energy and the actual performance element as well as being musically pleasing
He's done it before on the 2 examples I gave.
Yelling at a mic is not musically pleasing. But I already knew some wouldn't agree. You got ppl that think Travis is a great live performer, and you got me who thinks he's horrible
song sounds good but idk if it fits with what he built 'punk' up to be lol
The second snippet is 100% what he described tho
better have carti or imma be mad as s***
Keep Carti as far away from Thug as possible.
Glad he’s starting the roll out
Y’all been going crazy with the SMF hate this year
That’s only on KTT outside of here it’s becoming a classic
Gods Soul is my vaccine
i need that gods soul song asap