Bro just hits anything at dis point
Now heres Jayda Lil baby bm for comparison
Now heres wat Youngboy be dealing wit
another one
Nigga got the type of girls I would of liked when I was in middle school
If you gone keep getting girls pregnant at least them be bad
op talkin like he could pull any of these women
All of em look good to me except the one on with the mugshot. Let Youngboy do what he do. What he eat dont make you s***
op talkin like he could pull any of these women
I could b4 youngboy they was dating some dusty ass niggas besides yaya lmao
Young boy isn't concerned with superficial looks, he sees the true inner beauty of a person
op U were banned on your main account for a reason!
Post your hoes OP
pretty sure it's @trez_la_nadia
please become a monk and leave ur poor d*** alone