500 Hours on WoW too I think but havent played in over a year and never plan on playing again
Easily any of my monster Hunter saves in unite I had something like 900 hours on mhw I have 300-400.
Easily any of my monster Hunter saves in unite I had something like 900 hours on mhw I have 300-400.
Freedom Unite on the PSP ?
Probably got up to a 1000 hours on pokemon firered reruns
Witcher 3 got close to like 80 I think
Persona 5 I finished at about 90 hours
100s of hours on Civ
Probably 100s of hours on bad company 1
Close to 10k hrs on Runescape 3 and OSRS combined on 2 different accounts, close to 1k hours on Civ V and like 600 on Rocket League and CSGO
Probably Smash melee. I don’t know how much but im guessing around 800-1000hours.
Pokemon Heartgold, i had 130hours on.
I’ve played Hunter Call of the wild for days while on acid tbh don’t got any idea how many hours tho