I just want to give a shout out to the world ends with you my favourite game (keep in mind i played it for the first time almost 15yrs ago)
I really loved the story and it had real likeable characters all round
probably my first introduction to fashion tbh im still trying to hit fits from that game to this day
gameplay with the pin system that never gets stale since theres like 200 different attacks
solid post-game
Shiki mite b my waifu but waifu culture and that s\*\*\* is mega wack
Fashion baby
Diablo 2
Super Mario World
Diddy Kong Racing
Tony Hawks Underground
GTA San Andreas
HM: Saints Row 1
Really hard for me right now, because a couple of games in the past 2-3yrs have elevated to Top 5 status for sure
Old Top 5:
Perfect Dark
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Final Fantasy 8
Borderlands 2
HM: KoToR 2
New Top 5:
Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
Total War: Three Kingdoms
Divinity Original Sin 2
Final Fantasy XIV
HM: Total War: Warhammer II The lore man... wow, just wow
Pokemon Gold & Silver
GTA San Andreas
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
HM: NBA 2K11 or Goldeneye
Its gonna be a little biased but here it goes (did one game per series cause i didnt want my list to be only mario and zelda ):
1. Super Mario Galaxy 2
The game where i realized games were my passion and where i realized the medium was an art form, so much fun playing the incredibly creative, well thought and always fresh mechanics, gameplay wise one of the best Mario games and in general a contender for best game of all time. That ost is crazy too. Could've put 1 but i played 2 first so im more connected to this one.
2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
It was hard to decide between this and oot, oot was my first zelda game and its regarded as the goat game so it would've made more sense but this game was and still is something i can't believe we have gotten. The most engaging open world ive ever played, you can interact with almost everything the world has to offer (which many open world games still cant achieve) and no other open world made me feel as free as botw's world does. The ambient music, the amazing and awe inducing secrets hyrule is filled with, ive played this game for 340 hours and i still feel i havent seen everything, from locations to new mechanics. Game made me feel like a curious kid who just picked up a controller for the first time again and the memories ive made with this game will be forever dear to me.
3. Super Metroid
A classic that influenced and started a whole genre, this game is almost perfect in everything. The overworld is iconic, the gameplay is something that is still being replicated and it hasnt been matched yet, its the peak of the genre and it was the first true metroidvania. The backtracking is fun and finding powerups is satisfying as f***. The ost is amazing and fits the tone of the game very well. One thing i also loved is the game is hard but not in an unfair way. If you're able to master samus's moveset you can destroy almost everything and you feel like a god. Amazing game in an unfortunately still niche series
4. Chrono trigger
My favorite jrpg ever, a classic in all fronts. Toriyama's character design is awesome as usual, the ost is one of the best in any videogame, the story is the best in any jrpg ive played, the gameplay is sorta the same old jrpg turn based combat but i love this genre so i fw it. The time shift mechanic and the changes this mechanic brings to the world were always my favorite part of the game, and it also has great importance in the overall story which is by far its best quality. Cant spoil anything so ill end it here.
5. Shin Megami Tensei IV
First game ive played of this massively underrated series and the game that made me fall in love with it, smt iv is the best smt game ive played so far and while its not perfect, i still love it. The press turn system still is the best jrpg battle system oat, s*** is so addicting. The demons are almost all cool af except a handful of demons that are just not it (looking at you lucifer). Still i loved how every demon had its personality and negotiating to get them to join my team was as addicting and difficult as the battles themselves. I felt like i was playing old school pokemon but if i only had to catch legendaries. The ost is o***** enducing and the cyperpunk apocalyptic scenario still is cool af but thats a given with smt game. The story like with most jrpgs was the best part tho, the alignment system works the best in this game because while in other titles you chose your faction based only on your personal beliefs, this time there are real characters with real personalities you have to side with so the choice not only is harder but feels even more impactful. Overall amazing game, although it has its flaws that the sequel fixed (although the sequel is worse in other aspects) so i hope smt V can replace IV taking the #5 spot.
HM: Resident Evil 4, Metal Gear Solid 3, Persona 4, Yakuza 0, Donkey Kong Country
No order
breath of the wild
fallout nv
mgs 5
honorable mentions
borderlands 2
smash ultimate
not in order
ratchet and clank 1 on ps2
the last of us 1 + 2
dbz budokai tenkaichi 3
Uncharted 2 (the campaign was goat but the multi >>)
GTA 5 Online
Fuzion Frenzy
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (really hard choice between this and Black Ops 1)
Overwatch (logged so many hours into this game before it went to s***)
these are probably just the games I've had the most play time with and the most fun with over the course of my life
yes I hate single player games
HM: Runescape, Fifa 11, NBA Street Vol. 2, Blitz: The League, Red Dead Redemption, so many more..
Punisher (OG Xbox)
Metroid Prime
GTA San Andreas
Red Dead Redemption
Halo 2
what are your personal top 5 video games/ franchises that you enjoyed the most and stuck with you for ever? curious to know. thanks for the recommendations kings
1. Fable (2004). only video game to have brought me to tears when i was a kid, just amazing. fave of all time. left me speechless
2. World of warcraft, its simply the best video game ever made. literally the most addictive thing man uhg
3. Halo 3, or just halo in general, amazing game amazing story, sci fi done well, love it. flawless
4. Modern warfare 2 (2010) , f***in got 73-1 in tdm once and all my boys at school where going off man grade 10 was fire lmao
5. Mass effect, looked forward to this game for YEARS my mom got it for me the day it came out i f***in ran home from school that day bruh it was amazing
honorable mentions: battlefront 2 for the original xbox lol i used to fake sick to play this at home lol, team fortress 2, u know the deal. crack. will think of more later.
1.gta V
2.RDR 1
3.asasasins creed black flag
4.call of duty black ops 3
5.cod black ops 2 or 1
Criminally slept on game, s*** was insanely ahead of its time in retrospect
1. Red Dead 1 + 2
2. Last of us 1 and 2
3. Uncharted series
4. Bioshock Infinite
5. Pokemon love all the main series games