i mean its not even simulated violence but real violence, people getting hit by cars/knocked out etc. Even though I may disagree, it makes sense why this would be restricted
They should remove it I’m sure the families of people in the video taking their last dying breaths from corona love their loved ones’ deaths being exploded for shock value
They should remove it I’m sure the families of people in the video taking their last dying breaths from corona love their loved ones’ deaths being exploded for shock value
You know all videos get cleared and all those people get paid
They should remove it I’m sure the families of people in the video taking their last dying breaths from corona love their loved ones’ deaths being exploded for shock value
niggas just be saying s***
They should remove it I’m sure the families of people in the video taking their last dying breaths from corona love their loved ones’ deaths being exploded for shock value
You obviously don't know how licensing works
tekashi did like 40 and 50M first day on back to back music vids before these comparisons don't mean much he dominates the views
if anything this photo shows how impactful that restrict is because 6ix9ine is nowhere near his prior numbers due to his restrict on Yaya too. That track should have much more considering his history and it drawing latin crowd this time. He about 35M views down from his last two after 1 day
Hell yea
Bruh i can almost see a******s in this video and there isn't an age restriction
Nicki showing her t*** is fine i guess
It’s good but I know it ain’t the peak doe
^drake defense squad has arrived
Time to close the thread