Your username is "poggers69420"
Kys or go back to reddit
you are being weird regardless
Your username is "poggers69420"
Kys or go back to reddit
telling people to kill themselves cause they challenged your ignorance and you folded? smh
he's right btw, youre being weird lol
Oh youre right, why dont you bump his new album from atlantic on the bus, out loud to your job at Wal-Mart in your black AF1s?
telling people to kill themselves cause they challenged your ignorance and you folded? smh
he's right btw, youre being weird lol
Whatever you say lol, you can KYS too. You being weird defending another man on the web
Oh youre right, why dont you bump his new album from atlantic on the bus, out loud to your job at Wal-Mart in your black AF1s?
what are you trying to say with this post mr OffTheGrid?
the racial undertone... hmmm
what are you trying to say with this post mr OffTheGrid?
the racial undertone... hmmm
You tell me, Shayarahla. When the f*** were we talking about race?
what are you trying to say with this post mr OffTheGrid?
the racial undertone... hmmm
he seems unemployed
at least the fictional character in his description has a job
he seems unemployed
at least the fictional character in his description has a job
Omg Le Epic Poster xD you got me! I seem unemployed?! F***ing roasted me bro
Whatever you say lol, you can KYS too. You being weird defending another man on the web
lol so telling people to kill themselves online is weirder than simply challenging the bs youre on?
also mock him for the twitch gaming s*** but rn youre acting like the same impulsive, edgy child youre tryna paint him to be lmao
Whatever you say lol, you can KYS too. You being weird defending another man on the web
go back to 4chan bro lmfao
telling ppl to kill themelves over a username and a pfp lol who raised u