There's f***ing unskippable ads on every single video now. And its not like before where you could use an adblock because it doesn't work.
are you watching on TV? I noticed it does this when I watch on the TV but I get an ad every once in a while on my phone
youtube premium boyz like
And this beat from Cash, not from YouTube.
youtube premium boyz like
youtube premium boyz like
but are people really missing out on YT premium tho? it seems like one of those things i'll never pay for like winrar
Just join premium brother, it’s good on this side
i can understand not wanting to pay for an extra sub if you already have apple or spotify..
but if you don’t have either of those and you use youtube frequently then might as well just pay for youtube premium which also comes w youtube music.
I hear you, I can’t stand it either. But I randomly got a pop up for one month free premium today so I hopped on that s*** so quickly lmao
but are people really missing out on YT premium tho? it seems like one of those things i'll never pay for like winrar
if youtube is your main source of entertainment/something you use everyday AND you don’t have a music streaming sub then it’s 100% worth it
if you already have an apple/spotify sub then might not be worth it cause all you will be getting is no ads on youtube (which you can get for free w ad block/apps) + ability to play videos in the background while browsing other apps on your phone
but are people really missing out on YT premium tho? it seems like one of those things i'll never pay for like winrar
Haven't seen an ad in over a decade. Well worth the money
I’m sorry, I use the Brave browser and I can not relate
still can’t believe this movie was the reason i signed up for a free youtube premium trial lmfso. it was the only way i could watch it cause it wasn’t on torrent/streaming sites when it first dropped lmfso
There's f***ing unskippable ads on every single video now. And its not like before where you could use an adblock because it doesn't work.
Pay for premium
i can understand not wanting to pay for an extra sub if you already have apple or spotify..
but if you don’t have either of those and you use youtube frequently then might as well just pay for youtube premium which also comes w youtube music.
I forgot all about YouTube music lemme leave Spotify real quick
On PC there are adblockers that still work for YouTube. You can find instructions for implementation on Reddit