  • Nov 8, 2024
    1 reply

    so u are arguing against the validity of her claims, saying the chance that she is fabricating them with doctored evidence, without even watching the podcast or caring about her. got it

    I know women who have done that very same thing and it turned out to be BS

    Also know plenty of men who treat their women like garbage so no I'm not picking sides lol clearly said he needs to get help if he's on that bullshit

  • Nov 8, 2024
    2 replies

    I know women who have done that very same thing and it turned out to be BS

    Also know plenty of men who treat their women like garbage so no I'm not picking sides lol clearly said he needs to get help if he's on that bullshit

    But you did paint him in a positive light to red herring how he went about the break up versus how she “being reactionary” no?

    It’s definitely a complex situation and we don’t know these people. Not tryna call you out or nothing bro

  • Prez 💎
    Nov 8, 2024
    1 reply

    But you did paint him in a positive light to red herring how he went about the break up versus how she “being reactionary” no?

    It’s definitely a complex situation and we don’t know these people. Not tryna call you out or nothing bro

    i feel like if she was filing a lawsuit against him then it would be reasonable to look at her comments with more of a fine toothed comb and give him some benefit of the doubt.

    but all she did was refuse the NDA and speak about it on her podcast. and she was saying there is worse stuff that she won't talk about. she clearly isnt trying to take him down out of spite, she is just saying her piece and saying her truth and getting through it.

    thats why i think its not super appropriate to be like "well maybe she's lying"

  • Nov 8, 2024
    2 replies

    i feel like if she was filing a lawsuit against him then it would be reasonable to look at her comments with more of a fine toothed comb and give him some benefit of the doubt.

    but all she did was refuse the NDA and speak about it on her podcast. and she was saying there is worse stuff that she won't talk about. she clearly isnt trying to take him down out of spite, she is just saying her piece and saying her truth and getting through it.

    thats why i think its not super appropriate to be like "well maybe she's lying"

    Yea I don’t get how her telling a story that happened, with witnesses there, and also stating she already denied a $12M NDA about telling the story, leads to “she’s lying. lol barstool, don’t believe this s***. Chickenfry? Can’t take this s*** serious. Typical petty white b****

    Like bro what? Do you niggas hear yourselves

  • Prez 💎
    Nov 8, 2024
    1 reply

    Yea I don’t get how her telling a story that happened, with witnesses there, and also stating she already denied a $12M NDA about telling the story, leads to “she’s lying. lol barstool, don’t believe this s***. Chickenfry? Can’t take this s*** serious. Typical petty white b****

    Like bro what? Do you niggas hear yourselves

    i dont follow her much so what i'm about to say might not be news, but the fact that he bought a home next to her parents house in massachusetts for them to live in definitely helped me understand why she was so tossed around by this relationship. not saying it's bad to buy that house, but it definitely illustrates the love bombing / hate bombing dynamic that she spoke about. i didnt know they were THAT serious, i only knew she went on tour with him.

    i'm not trying to diagnose him but that is a behavior i have experienced in people before, and i can imagine it gets much more heightened when you are someone rich and successful who can make moves like that (buying a house in her home town) very easily.

    my take is not that people should stop listening to zach's music because of this, but i definitely wouldnt recommend dating him!

  • Nov 8, 2024
    2 replies

    Brianna Chickenfry is an interesting name

  • Prez 💎
    Nov 8, 2024
    Free YoungBoy

    Brianna Chickenfry is an interesting name

    the chickenfrys built this country, find a new slant

  • Free YoungBoy

    Brianna Chickenfry is an interesting name

    It's hard

  • Nov 8, 2024


  • Nov 8, 2024
    1 reply

    But you did paint him in a positive light to red herring how he went about the break up versus how she “being reactionary” no?

    It’s definitely a complex situation and we don’t know these people. Not tryna call you out or nothing bro

    Respectfully your first reply to me was making it seem like I don't believe women about any sort of abuse and that's not fair

    Looks like you deleted that now so thank you

    I've said numerous times on here already that dude has issues and if it's as bad as she's saying it is then he needs to get help before it turns into something not making light of "emotional abuse" either I was making the point that in relationships especially messy ones ppl lose their s*** sometimes and say/do things they regret later which doesn't make it ok but hopefully he learns from this

  • Nov 8, 2024

    i dont follow her much so what i'm about to say might not be news, but the fact that he bought a home next to her parents house in massachusetts for them to live in definitely helped me understand why she was so tossed around by this relationship. not saying it's bad to buy that house, but it definitely illustrates the love bombing / hate bombing dynamic that she spoke about. i didnt know they were THAT serious, i only knew she went on tour with him.

    i'm not trying to diagnose him but that is a behavior i have experienced in people before, and i can imagine it gets much more heightened when you are someone rich and successful who can make moves like that (buying a house in her home town) very easily.

    my take is not that people should stop listening to zach's music because of this, but i definitely wouldnt recommend dating him!

    Yea…idk s*** about either of them but while that does sound cute…it can quickly lean into love bombing especially if it was a surprise purchase as now it’s a power trip for her where she essentially can’t say no.

    Very complicated but this is why I always tell people to pick better partners and vet it out for as long as possible. Maybe even live together for a while as roommates before fully committing. It’s way more complicated out here today, so the steps gotta be taken more carefully to ensure “yes, this is who I want to be with the rest of my life”

    Like I know with my girl when we move in, she gets depressed and messy and also likes her space. So moving in together longterm I know that I’ll have to take care of cleaning and we need a big enough place for her own space.

    Versus if I bought her a house and now she’s essentially forced to move in and now I get upset with her cause she’s messy or because I like being around her often, which now becomes emotional abuse.

    Definitely a complicated situation and why it’s hard to look at it from only one perspective, especially if you’ve ever had a partner

  • Nov 8, 2024

    Respectfully your first reply to me was making it seem like I don't believe women about any sort of abuse and that's not fair

    Looks like you deleted that now so thank you

    I've said numerous times on here already that dude has issues and if it's as bad as she's saying it is then he needs to get help before it turns into something not making light of "emotional abuse" either I was making the point that in relationships especially messy ones ppl lose their s*** sometimes and say/do things they regret later which doesn't make it ok but hopefully he learns from this

    I get you now bro, makes more sense

  • Nov 8, 2024

    The Noah Kahan thing is wild though considering they just did a song together last year lol suppose weird jealousy and defensiveness can take shape in a lot of ways though esp when alcohol is involved

  • Nov 8, 2024
    1 reply

  • Nov 8, 2024
    Prison Mike

    And now he's on a Twitter break

  • Nov 8, 2024

    She said it would pay out over 3 years so 4 mil per year.

    Given his music career status, especially with country becoming the top genre in music (in America), I think the economics of why his label and management would pay these amounts makes sense. It’s not like he himself negotiated it. She said they started low (like maybe a couple mil) and they went up to 12 mil after she kept saying no

    I can believe it, just scrutinizing.. wasn’t he in the military as well? Sounds like he got bonked in the head

  • Nov 8, 2024

    lol have yall seen bros mustache? Guilty

  • Nov 8, 2024

    Have you seen bro get arrested? He’s an entitled ass baby. He did that s*** lol

  • Nov 8, 2024

    Shut the hell up Republican!!

  • Nov 8, 2024
    1 reply

    cancel brianna chickenfry for turning down 12 mill to whine about a breakup

  • Nov 8, 2024

    cancel brianna chickenfry for turning down 12 mill to whine about a breakup

  • Nov 8, 2024

    he's gonna say some s*** like "i never claimed i was perfect im just a silly dude you guys happen to love for some reason i ignore and i'll keep counting my blessings"

  • Nov 8, 2024

    This is fake news

  • Nov 8, 2024
    2 replies

  • Nov 8, 2024
    paradise valley

    Zach is short?
