I know dude and got real problems with him IRL, if you ever see a video of him getting his s*** rocked, it’s me
I know dude and got real problems with him IRL, if you ever see a video of him getting his s*** rocked, it’s me
Elaborate p****
Wish I was joking
niggas won't air out dirty laundry cuz they too scared
niggas won't air out dirty laundry cuz they too scared
Nah just don’t want myself linked to KTT account
Zack fox on throwing fits tom
Nah just don’t want myself linked to KTT account
DM Me the story I’ll post it s***
Got us all interested
lmaooo first artist to officially release an 800% slowed down version of a track? someone said it sounds like the Dark Knight Rises soundtrack that's too accurate
Real life f*** Zack fox and anyone who supports him
he seem like a f***nigga so im not surprised to see people have this energy towards him
dont get me wrong hes kinda funny, jus in a f*** nigga way
P4k 3.6
tbf there's some sorta valid critique in this but still they really don't get his humor lolll or appreciate that this just sounds great lol. They don't really get RXK either so yea
That's the jam fr
And they say his songs arent serious
P4k 3.6
tbf there's some sorta valid critique in this but still they really don't get his humor lolll or appreciate that this just sounds great lol. They don't really get RXK either so yea
We as a community have to stop giving this publication a platform. Their opinions mean NOTHING good or bad. Album is solid and definitely not a 3.6
I say this as someone who can’t stand zack fox
We as a community have to stop giving this publication a platform. Their opinions mean NOTHING good or bad. Album is solid and definitely not a 3.6
I say this as someone who can’t stand zack fox
only sharing because I think it is fair that they say his rapping is a bit one note and there's def still room for improvement.
but yea they just totally fail to appreciate how well this already works regardless
still I dunno tho I honestly think P4k gets a bad wrap on here. They're hit or miss but having followed them for a while now sometimes they really do recognize greatness early, slums network is a great example they were so early praising and giving coverage to so many of them (8s for ensley, red burns, liv.e, BNM for keiyaa, mike - MGBYH, navy - SOS...). Particularly that ensley review was big they lowkey put Siifu on the map