  • Gojira 🦖
    Updated Aug 22, 2023
  • Jul 6, 2021
    1 reply


  • Jul 6, 2021


  • Jul 6, 2021

    Seems like Netflix is happy with Army of the Dead

  • p t ✝️
    Jul 6, 2021

  • Jul 6, 2021


  • In

  • Jul 6, 2021

    cautiously in

  • Jul 7, 2021


  • Jul 7, 2021

    Big in

  • Jul 7, 2021

  • Jul 7, 2021


  • Jul 7, 2021


  • Jul 7, 2021
    1 reply

    always winning.

    LUCASFILM really should have let this man in the world to make this. had this idea for years but they didnt follow thru with it. so he said He'll do it himself on some king s***.

  • Jul 7, 2021

    Idk about him co-writing, but I’ll watch

  • Jul 7, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm in, but I won't lie a lot of Army of the Dead's limitations were because of Netflix. I also think 300 is his worst movie so its sad his collaborators are associated with that and AOTD. I bet Fong won't be back for this either since Netflix thinks cinematography is not an art form.

  • Jul 8, 2021

    always winning.

    LUCASFILM really should have let this man in the world to make this. had this idea for years but they didnt follow thru with it. so he said He'll do it himself on some king s***.

    I always thought it’d be fire if he made some soldier, war, big battle, warrior type movie (300, sucker punch, the Amazons protecting the mother box in justice league) but set in the mandalorion wars.

    It could follow a few of the soldiers, have his slow mo action scenes, cool armour/goggles/masks, big special FX screen screen action set pieces etc

    Literally feels perfect for him. Maybe that’s more or less what this movie is

  • Jul 8, 2021

    I'm in, but I won't lie a lot of Army of the Dead's limitations were because of Netflix. I also think 300 is his worst movie so its sad his collaborators are associated with that and AOTD. I bet Fong won't be back for this either since Netflix thinks cinematography is not an art form.

    did u get banned again or just no avatar mode atm?

  • Nov 2, 2021
  • Nov 2, 2021
    1 reply

    This thread dryer than my ankles

  • Nov 2, 2021
    1 reply

    This thread dryer than my ankles


  • AKFresh


    I’m like damn what happen to the Snyder fans on this site . They going crazy on Twitter

  • Nov 2, 2021

    hope he on some on some crazy s*** wit dis one
    im hype for planet of the dead too

  • Nov 3, 2021

    W casting

  • Nov 3, 2021
    1 reply

    The GOAT is back
