  • Sep 13, 2021
    rhyming rhino

    Didnt adele move to LA She dont wanna be there either lol

    She’s got properties in several countries. You guys aren’t special.

    Rihanna lived in London for several years. You don’t see the English trying to claim her tho.

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    And user reviews as well. You keep going for this “only critic reviews” and it’s not landing for you.

    Not you trying to claim Drake for America with “he got an immigrant daddy and went on holiday there sometimes and listened to American music occasionally”. The shambles happening itt.

    Im not tryna claim him. Like he’s clearly Canadian. I’m just telling you how black people in America view Drake and the s*** that influenced him is almost all American music.

  • Sep 13, 2021

    canada is america's bottom, no?

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply
  • Sep 13, 2021
    D Dot

    You keep saying Drake. He adopted a southern accent while rapping in the SFG/TML/Take Care days. He didn’t start using his Canadian accent and slang until 2015, 6 years after he blew up. British pop stars like Adele and Ed Sheeran also use an American accent while singing. You keep proving my point: yall want to sound and talk like us so bad

    LMAO. On what planet does Ed f***ing Sheehan or Adele sing in an American accent.

    See, this is the American education system in full effect.

    You couldn't get a clue during the clue mating season in a field full of h**** clues if you smeared your body with clue musk and did the clue mating dance.

  • thread showing why the rest of the world hates both the UK and US

    both c*** countries

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply
    rhyming rhino

    Gooba is better than anything a british artist has ever made i can tell you that lol


    Not you claiming the multi coloured rapist.

    That’s your people right there, huh?

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    r u brii'iish ?

    Are y’all Democrats or Republicans?

  • Sep 13, 2021

    Google who his uncle is and you'll know why he's where he is today.

    we shoulda seen it coming🤦🏽‍♂️

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    How ya turn this to a US v UK thread lmao

  • Sep 13, 2021


    Not you claiming the multi coloured rapist.

    That’s your people right there, huh?

    Europe claimed him first!

  • Oblivion X

    How ya turn this to a US v UK thread lmao

    bc people from both those countries got a superiority complex

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    Im not tryna claim him. Like he’s clearly Canadian. I’m just telling you how black people in America view Drake and the s*** that influenced him is almost all American music.

    So you agree that Americans made a Canadian the biggest rapper in America and haven’t made a rapper more popular in that country for the past 10 years?

    And somehow you guys run hiphop?

    Nah, that s*** is run from the North.

  • Sep 13, 2021

    All terrible. The British Empire committed awful acts around the world. As have the Americans. As have the Dutch. As have the Spanish.

    How many of those other countries did it inside their own borders tho?

    The British never had their own Tulsa race massacre. The Dutch never had their own Sand Creek Native American massacre. The Spanish never had their own Camp Sumter.

    No, you guys are in another league when it comes to killing what you deem minorities in your own lands.

    This isn't a good argument imo

    The British empire considered the colonies as an extension of their empire - they owned it and committed atrocities on it

    racism is well and alive in the UK Idk why you're playing "who's the most racist" like it matters (it doesn't)

    Btw, I'm not British nor American

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply
    rhyming rhino

    @Maccaveli101 gonna leave this here... you europeans like him more than we do :sixcards:

    Not you guys having to get him big with the notoriously racist Eastern Europeans before bringing him back to the US and having him blow up even more.

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    So you agree that Americans made a Canadian the biggest rapper in America and haven’t made a rapper more popular in that country for the past 10 years?

    And somehow you guys run hiphop?

    Nah, that s*** is run from the North.

    Hes also the most popular rapper in your country as well.

    Like I said. Go look at the cities playlists in AM and count how many American artists are featured in the british cities playlists and how many UK artists are in the american cities playlist

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    Not you guys having to get him big with the notoriously racist Eastern Europeans before bringing him back to the US and having him blow up even more.

    ngl funniest thing americans and british ppl do is talk about europe like its 1 big country

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    Are y’all Democrats or Republicans?

    im def not a fan of the us but i'll be dead before i let someone from a country who lets a bunch of inbred hill billy's claim royalty talk s***, bro your country elected tony blair and boris johnson you have no political legs to stand on. sure there are benefits to the socialist systems in the uk but your country's record on xenophobia/racism isnt so sterling. if america is #1 worst country in the world then uk is #2 and the saddest part is that your government clearly wants to take over the world like america did it just cant get its s*** together between seasons of the crown lol complete shambles of a nation. oh and winston churchill was a racist who couldnt stop talking s*** on gandhi to save his life

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    LMAO. 21 is a Atlanta rapper, you’re not gonna pawn him off on the British, they don’t want him and Dave, Stormzy, Headie, Simz and Chip wash him immediately.

    The British really don’t. They’re fine having their free healthcare, superior music scene, food that isn’t giving them diabetes and being able to leave the house and not get shot by their neighbours.

    You really tried it. How you gonna claim American music got it like that when the biggest artists worldwide for the past decade has been British Adele and Canadian Drake?

    The UK isn't that far from the US in regards of unhealthy food habits

    Actually alot of Europeans countries are becoming more and more obese, Idk why people act like it's just the US, it's a western problem atm

  • Sep 13, 2021

    the funniest part of this whole thing is that he's the brii'ish equivalent of the middle-american dude he's making fun of ...lmao you actually believe your country is good and has any interest in seeing its citizens thrive

  • Sep 13, 2021
    3 replies

    The vast majority of those atrocities happened after the break off from the British empire. The British Empire abolished slavery in any country governed by them in 1833. It took the Americans 30 years later and a whole civil war to try and abolish it and they still had decades of crackdowns after that in the southern states to stamp it out completely. If anything there would have been a sooner start to the end of slavery and more advancements made in the end of racial tyranny in America if they were still in charge of the continent. Vox did a good article on it a while back.

    I have no problem saying that there is racism in the UK today. And that it seems to be rising with more far right movements moving there as there are in other countries there needs to be more done.

  • Sep 13, 2021

    bro has the same energy for stan wars but with the rotting carcass of a world power lmaoooo

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    The vast majority of those atrocities happened after the break off from the British empire. The British Empire abolished slavery in any country governed by them in 1833. It took the Americans 30 years later and a whole civil war to try and abolish it and they still had decades of crackdowns after that in the southern states to stamp it out completely. If anything there would have been a sooner start to the end of slavery and more advancements made in the end of racial tyranny in America if they were still in charge of the continent. Vox did a good article on it a while back.

    I have no problem saying that there is racism in the UK today. And that it seems to be rising with more far right movements moving there as there are in other countries there needs to be more done.

    dude shut the f*** up none of this has anything to do with the s***ty music zayn dropped

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    The vast majority of those atrocities happened after the break off from the British empire. The British Empire abolished slavery in any country governed by them in 1833. It took the Americans 30 years later and a whole civil war to try and abolish it and they still had decades of crackdowns after that in the southern states to stamp it out completely. If anything there would have been a sooner start to the end of slavery and more advancements made in the end of racial tyranny in America if they were still in charge of the continent. Vox did a good article on it a while back.

    I have no problem saying that there is racism in the UK today. And that it seems to be rising with more far right movements moving there as there are in other countries there needs to be more done.

    buddy its ok to get washed just eat some beans on toast

  • Sep 13, 2021
    1 reply

    The vast majority of those atrocities happened after the break off from the British empire. The British Empire abolished slavery in any country governed by them in 1833. It took the Americans 30 years later and a whole civil war to try and abolish it and they still had decades of crackdowns after that in the southern states to stamp it out completely. If anything there would have been a sooner start to the end of slavery and more advancements made in the end of racial tyranny in America if they were still in charge of the continent. Vox did a good article on it a while back.

    I have no problem saying that there is racism in the UK today. And that it seems to be rising with more far right movements moving there as there are in other countries there needs to be more done.

    bro you voted for brexit huh
