Bro the review you posted is the average score from 11 magazines
2021 and you’re citing music journalists
And average music listeners.
You keep repeating the same thing and it’s wrong every time. How?
I stopped reading at “Tony Blaire” so you know.
dude if youre smarter than me just tell me what uni you went to :)
Since you didn't have to go in debt to go to university - which one did you pick?
The one not in America.
lmaoo u a whole clown bro but keep going
This ain’t as hard as you making it out to be.
And average music listeners.
You keep repeating the same thing and it’s wrong every time. How?
Average music listener = 71 people
Bro the average music listener isn’t posting on metacritic. You’re an idiot
dude if youre smarter than me just tell me what uni you went to :)
You’re so worried about tertiary education when you really should have been more concerned with secondary education.
You’re so worried about tertiary education when you really should have been more concerned with secondary education.
tony blaire
You’re so worried about tertiary education when you really should have been more concerned with secondary education.
damn this guy didnt even go to college what an IDIOT
damn this guy didnt even go to college what an IDIOT
dude i cant even spell and i went to college
Average music listener = 71 people
Bro the average music listener isn’t posting on metacritic. You’re an idiot
Then where are they posting?
And why haven’t you found it so you have something to counter back with?
Then where are they posting?
And why haven’t you found it so you have something to counter back with?
tony blaire
damn this guy didnt even go to college what an IDIOT
I’m not going to have s***with you.
I’m not going to have s***with you.
ayyee we did the racist grammar police now lets get into homophobia!!!!!
usually what happens when someone loses an argument
farewell, @Maccaveli101
ayyee we did the racist grammar police now lets get into homophobia!!!!!
you really do represent the best parts of brrittaiin