this nigga should never grace the microphone in this fashion ever again
he has an awful ear for beats
also bro.......just do what u were doing in 2016 wtf happened to this nigga he fell off so hard
this nigga should never grace the microphone in this fashion ever again
he has an awful ear for beats
also bro.......just do what u were doing in 2016 wtf happened to this nigga he fell off so hard
Google who his uncle is and you'll know why he's where he is today.
this nigga should never grace the microphone in this fashion ever again
he has an awful ear for beats
also bro.......just do what u were doing in 2016 wtf happened to this nigga he fell off so hard
Dude still has it in him to make amazing stuff too
Dude still has it in him to make amazing stuff too
yes like an album of songs in this vein with actual good jai paul type production is perfect
this is what happens when you're super attractive and really rich no one knows how to tell you you f***ing suck
Google who his uncle is and you'll know why he's where he is today.
Who? Literally showed no one
it literally sounds like someone rapping for the first time & that is embarrassing for someone who has been a pretty big name in the music industry for over 10 years lmao
he also mentioned kanye as being one of his biggest inspirations in the past, so that makes it extra embarrassing
If zayn was real he would’ve got these mf’s on a track
Sounding like hip hop’s Darren Till.
Dude had a good first album and has been slipping from there.
Why he rapping like this
I always love when Americans post this when it’s supposed to be making fun of Americans who think English people sound like that.
Google who his uncle is and you'll know why he's where he is today.
damn bro... dats crazy
I always love when Americans post this when it’s supposed to be making fun of Americans who think English people sound like that.
if you say so I just seen it as a meme
respect for being at the top and saying f*** the predictable male pop star decisions and just making what he wants
if you say so I just seen it as a meme
Just say you fell for the gimmick and be done with it.