Yea nah. That s*** is confusing my boy. Specially during the Olympics. How are they all countries, but one country at the same time
Them going together as one group of nations is the minority.
Most of the time they participate as their own separate countries. In the Euro 2020 tournament this year Scotland and England went to a draw.
Again, it’s not hard at all, Americans just have poor education and a god complex about their country to where they think anything outside of it isn’t worth knowing about.
well that didn’t take long
It’s still the best chess move.
You guys never have anything better to come back at it and then start crying about other countries make fun of you for it.
If you hate it that much do something about gun control in that third world country of yours.
Someone made an accent joke & some dude from across the pond decided to wage war with the US for the last 5 pages
I’m really built like that.
Americans with their impoverished education system never stood a chance.
It’s still the best chess move.
You guys never have anything better to come back at it and then start crying about other countries make fun of you for it.
If you hate it that much do something about gun control in that third world country of yours.
plenty things to bring up, like the fact u niggas invented racism and almost had ur entire population wiped out by rodents
it’s just played out, school shooter jokes didn’t hit then and they don’t hit now
Wait why the f*** is DJ Drama on the second one
Zayn pulled up with that One direction check
No but while you bring that up, how many innocent people do you guys drop bombs from drones on every year?
Someone made fun of your goofy ass accent and now you’re trying to have a political debate
Sorry that your accent is trash. There’s a reason why UK rapper 21 Savage changed his accent to sound more like us
Sounds nothing like that.
Zayn sounds like a typical blue collar Leeds accent while Unknown P has a posh Essex accent. It would be like me saying Jay Z from New York and Paul Wall from Texas have the exact same accent and way of pronunciation.
You’d know that if you actually had a clue what you’re talking about. Again, the whole comedy act is basically about low Iq Americans think English people as a whole sound like. And window lickers like you keep falling for it every time.
are u eating peanut butter??
plenty things to bring up, like the fact u niggas invented racism and almost had ur entire population wiped out by rodents
it’s just played out, school shooter jokes didn’t hit then and they don’t hit now
See, typical American education.
Apparently England invented racism yet you’d have to completely ignore how the Egyptians kept the Jews as slaves hundreds of years before, African groups enslaving other African groups since the Roman times and the persecution of the Romani people for centuries for that to make sense. I’d tell you to read a book but at your literacy comprehension you’d struggle to get through The Very Hungry Caterpiller.
Or how about Yellow Fever ripping through America in the 1700’s to the point where it killed 10% of Philadelphia’s total population? You guys have written the book on tragedy through a population’s stupidity.
School shooter jokes still smash and everyone outside of America still laughing at how ridiculous your gun laws are. It’s 2021, you guys aren’t cowboys having shootouts at the salon anymore, time to grow up.
Someone made fun of your goofy ass accent and now you’re trying to have a political debate
Sorry that your accent is trash. There’s a reason why UK rapper 21 Savage changed his accent to sound more like us
You guys came in making jokes about other countries and now in your feelings when the fire returned. You guys just aren’t with the s***s like you thought you were.
There’s a reason why you took that trash ass rapper and that’s because we wouldn’t.
are u eating peanut butter??
Not the American stuff, too much sugar.
Did you know that American bread would have to be classified as cake in other countries because of the amount of sugar in it? That’s probably why most Americans are fat and agitated.
Not the American stuff, too much sugar.
Did you know that American bread would have to be classified as cake in other countries because of the amount of sugar in it? That’s probably why most Americans are fat and agitated.
thanks for the info, UK rap is highly irrelevant and therefore so is your input
See, typical American education.
Apparently England invented racism yet you’d have to completely ignore how the Egyptians kept the Jews as slaves hundreds of years before, African groups enslaving other African groups since the Roman times and the persecution of the Romani people for centuries for that to make sense. I’d tell you to read a book but at your literacy comprehension you’d struggle to get through The Very Hungry Caterpiller.
Or how about Yellow Fever ripping through America in the 1700’s to the point where it killed 10% of Philadelphia’s total population? You guys have written the book on tragedy through a population’s stupidity.
School shooter jokes still smash and everyone outside of America still laughing at how ridiculous your gun laws are. It’s 2021, you guys aren’t cowboys having shootouts at the salon anymore, time to grow up.
i guess i shoulda clarified modern racism cuz y’all were definitely a part of that. but that’s getting off topic and u can take it to life sxn if u want. the moral of the story is y’all have f***ing garbage music and accents
respect for being at the top and saying f*** the predictable male pop star decisions and just making what he wants
I think he wanted to be a pop star but flopped. Harry was the Bey of the group lol
Go get ya teethed fixed ya scalawag
Oh dear. Turns out Americans make English people teeth jokes because they’re all missing more teeth and don’t have any healthcare to fix them.
So sad.
thanks for the info, UK rap is highly irrelevant and therefore so is your input
Dave and Little Simz alone had better albums then anyone else in America this year.
You guys stick with your little pedophile rainbow haired chipmunk rappers with the kindergarten doodles on their faces while the English rappers show you how it’s done.
How you gonna be the country that created hip hop and have a Canadian (a commonwealth country, no less) run the whole rap game since 2011?
Dave and Little Simz alone had better albums then anyone else in America this year.
You guys stick with your little pedophile rainbow haired chipmunk rappers with the kindergarten doodles on their faces while the English rappers show you how it’s done.
How you gonna be the country that created hip hop and have a Canadian (a commonwealth country, no less) run the whole rap game since 2011?
lmaoo u are fuming
i guess i shoulda clarified modern racism cuz y’all were definitely a part of that. but that’s getting off topic and u can take it to life sxn if u want. the moral of the story is y’all have f***ing garbage music and accents
If we talking modern racism then nobody done it like the Americans. You guys are the industry leader on that and have been for the last 200 years. At one point during WWII, the English would let black soldiers drink in their pubs and actually fought the racist white American scum over it.
The moral of the story is that you have garbage laws, garbage healthcare, garbage food, garbage communities, garbage people, and everyone else knows you guys are garbage too.