easily JIK, then Ye
then LR - I know thats a little "hot take-y" but the skits on LR make the album drag imo, thats why i've never been big on it the way others have
Honestly JIK & JIB.
Like them for what they are but I have no urge to bump them again for some reason.
Which Kanye album have you listened to the least ?
the last albums were complete garbage and jokes tbh
easily JIK, I have listened to the leaked version of Yandhi and the fake stem edits of it 10x more than I've listened to JIK, and then probably Ye
Haven’t really listened to ye much since the month it came out
All other Kanye albums still in a semi-regular rotation
Jesus Is King
Late Orchestration
Im gonna be honest and say mbdtf, i know kanye is spitting and its got great prdouction but i just cant connect with it. Imma still call it the goat album tho
Huge difference between album you’ve listened to the least and “zero replay value”