Didn’t really feel like Cudi to me at all
Maybe the cover art and some of the beats would be used by Cudi in another dimension
But yeah I thought this album was more interesting than MOTM3, she really made a solid project
Didn’t really feel like Cudi to me at all
Yea it’s definitely her own thing but I could hear the cudi influence in there. I just feel like she meshed a modern sound with that psyched out sound really well. Vocals are crazy too
I kind of agree. Modus Viviendi was a great record. And i see OPs point
BUT, there is no 070 Shake/MV without Cudi
Not even remotely
I saw 070 Shake live in the summer of 2019 and she went the f*** off so respect to her. Yeezy made a great signing
Yea it’s definitely her own thing but I could hear the cudi influence in there. I just feel like she meshed a modern sound with that psyched out sound really well. Vocals are crazy too
Ohh okay yeah that’s facts
Yeah, that’s def what it seems Cudi tried to do and it felt very lame to me, just for lack of better wording. Just lame as hell. I feel like on PPDS, Cudi executed what MOTM3 was going for way better
yea sure if you only listen to rap you could think that