ye in drake’s artist of the decade video
didn't see him in it but definitely heard 808s in the background
Is that not Rick Ross?
Silouette looks noticably fatter than kanye
oh wait he was just really close to the camera
Is that not Rick Ross?
Silouette looks noticably fatter than kanye
pretty sure its ye from ovo fest 2015
Is tonight the big night, buds?
Is tonight the big night, buds?
I don't think so fella
I can see the future is looking like we level through the sky... I can't wait to live in glory and eternal lasting life...
i bet ye decides not to release the full mixed and mastered song - too good
who asked kanye about can u be at ye listening party? did he say something else too.
who asked kanye about can u be at ye listening party? did he say something else too.
iirc there was a thread on og KTT by the og poster but I forgot who it was
who asked kanye about can u be at ye listening party? did he say something else too.
@iseeghosts @i_See_ghosts
spicy 😡