All ima say is even in video games there are missions where you are told to shoot the target in the leg to disable them not kill
shooting 4 times in a crowded area, if he missed a bullet could have ricocheted off the ground into someone’s skull aswell
there are major arteries in your legs. Anytime you shoot someone it's with the intention to kill
Nothing grey about it, the f***.
Even if we throw all other options out the windows (using the taser, restraining her, etc), there is no reason for him to shoot to kill - he couldve shot her in the leg or something.
The answer is simplier, in fact - he was more than happy to kill her.
shooting someone in the leg is just as deadly maybe even more
Does tazing not work? Theres got to be some other way then to f***ing shoot....
It doesn’t always work. Especially when the person is in motion and on top of someone trying to stab them.
Back in university my buddy bought a taser and like idiots we tested it. If you mentally prepare for it you can handle it. Granted we did not put it on crazy voltages but it’s possible to continue your attack especially if you are bigger.
All ima say is even in video games there are missions where you are told to shoot the target in the leg to disable them not kill
shooting 4 times in a crowded area, if he missed a bullet could have ricocheted off the ground into someone’s skull aswell
Video games really bro
Damn, not defending the coo but this is justified tbh. The moment she saw the cops arrive she should have chilled. By this video she seems to be the aggressor regardless of the other girls coming to her house to fight her.
Potentially the cop could have used a taser but may not have necessarily stopped the girl immediately from stabbing the other girl.
This whole situation is sad all around and could have been easily avoided. Since she called the cops she should have stayed inside. Why are you going outside with a weapon.
I will say I'm confused as to why she's still tryna stab folk if she is the one who called the police for help in the first place. I get adrenaline takes over, but if you called the police for help and they arrive...what you still tryna poke people for?
I can tell you don’t own a firearm or have never participated in a training. If you don’t shoot to kill, specifically the torso, the situation becomes exponentially more dangerous for bystanders and everyone else around,
Yep, all that shoot in the air, shoot the ground, shoot the leg or arm sounds good in theory but in practice does not work at all. No such thing as warning shots pleighboi, every shot you take is to kill
We got taught Unless you shooting center mass (chest) don’t shoot at all. At least that’s the way it is in army, don’t know what is taught to these police ass niggas
That cop f***ed up regardless tho. Shoulda tried to tase shorty, too much force was used but it’s not as black and white as people making it
I will say I'm confused as to why she's still tryna stab folk if she is the one who called the police for help in the first place. I get adrenaline takes over, but if you called the police for help and they arrive...what you still tryna poke people for?
has to be that she didn’t realize cops were there. who would use a knife knowingly in front of a cop lmao
I will say I'm confused as to why she's still tryna stab folk if she is the one who called the police for help in the first place. I get adrenaline takes over, but if you called the police for help and they arrive...what you still tryna poke people for?
Exactly. And I hate the cops but let’s be objective and honest. If I had potential attackers outside of my house. I would just lock my door and call the police and wait for their arrival. Your not supposed to call the police and arm yourself and escalate the fight as the police show up.
She brought a weapon to a fight. It’s unclear if the other girls were armed tho. I highly doubt it.
Damn, not defending the coo but this is justified tbh. The moment she saw the cops arrive she should have chilled. By this video she seems to be the aggressor regardless of the other girls coming to her house to fight her.
Potentially the cop could have used a taser but may not have necessarily stopped the girl immediately from stabbing the other girl.
This whole situation is sad all around and could have been easily avoided. Since she called the cops she should have stayed inside. Why are you going outside with a weapon.
Glad more people are coming to this conclusion. Why make this a big thing and decimate the black communities
economy even further by getting up in arms over this? B**** turned up when the hook came. At this point I’m looking at it as a natural selection type of thing. Really wish we could divert some of this energy into fixing our violent subcultures that leads to these moments. But I under getting riled up for this is way easier when you have the mainstream media on your side, using you for ratings. S***s a joke.
This is why I couldn’t even be gleeful for the verdict earlier. This s*** ain’t changing. A drop in the ocean forreal. F*** em all we’ll never get real justice
Glad more people are coming to this conclusion. Why make this a big thing and decimate the black communities
economy even further by getting up in arms over this? B**** turned up when the hook came. At this point I’m looking at it as a natural selection type of thing. Really wish we could divert some of this energy into fixing our violent subcultures that leads to these moments. But I under getting riled up for this is way easier when you have the mainstream media on your side, using you for ratings. S***s a joke.
Policing in America is a problem for sure.
However, in scenarios like this (remove the cop from it) what makes girls this age think they can show up to someone’s lawn and try and pick a fight. You very rarely see this happen in other communities with women of different backgrounds.
While policing needs overhauling. Extra fund needs to be added to fixing the root of many of the social issues such as lack of education, after school activities and so on.
How are you starting beef in the pandemic when your 15. You ass should be at home watching Netflix.
Yep, all that shoot in the air, shoot the ground, shoot the leg or arm sounds good in theory but in practice does not work at all. No such thing as warning shots pleighboi, every shot you take is to kill
We got taught Unless you shooting center mass (chest) don’t shoot at all. At least that’s the way it is in army, don’t know what is taught to these police ass niggas
That cop f***ed up regardless tho. Shoulda tried to tase shorty, too much force was used but it’s not as black and white as people making it
I'm sure you're authorized to use lethal force in matters of life and death, and someone trying to stab another person with a knife in the neck is the best time as any to use your gun. A taser is good for subduing people but when you're milliseconds away.. like 2 inches away from a potentially fatal outcome are you going to take a chance on a taser?
Imagine the uproar if the cop watched this girl stab and kill the other black girl. Someone was losing in this situation. This was not mutual combat with fist. The girl was trying to poke the other girl who wasn’t even interacting with her.
I'm sure you're authorized to use lethal force in matters of life and death, and someone trying to stab another person with a knife in the neck is the best time as any to use your gun. A taser is good for subduing people but when you're milliseconds away.. like 2 inches away from a potentially fatal outcome are you going to take a chance on a taser?
Nope. Tasers don’t always stop a person with momentum.
if he used a taser she be alive rn
some of these cops are just blood lustful imo
look at this s***
Exactly. And I hate the cops but let’s be objective and honest. If I had potential attackers outside of my house. I would just lock my door and call the police and wait for their arrival. Your not supposed to call the police and arm yourself and escalate the fight as the police show up.
She brought a weapon to a fight. It’s unclear if the other girls were armed tho. I highly doubt it.
The more you think about it the more shaky it becomes. Of course it doesn't give the police the right to shoot her because there's certainly other ways to handle a situation like this.
But like...was she inside her home when she called the police? If so why did she then go outside to fight off a group of people by herself? Like you said, it'd make more sense to lock up your doors and just chill til police came.
Nope. Tasers don’t always stop a person with momentum.
You lowkey right . I’m conflicted cause she was really finna stab the f*** out that girl . Four shots seem excessive but f***
if he used a taser she be alive rn
some of these cops are just blood lustful imo
look at this s*** then if he said this s*** then like f*** you nigga
The more you think about it the more shaky it becomes. Of course it doesn't give the police the right to shoot her because there's certainly other ways to handle a situation like this.
But like...was she inside her home when she called the police? If so why did she then go outside to fight off a group of people by herself? Like you said, it'd make more sense to lock up your doors and just chill til police came.
Exactly. There’s also adults on the scene. They should had calmed the situation down before the cops even got there. It seems like a decent middle class neighbourhood as well.
Video games really bro
what i’m trying to get at is how poorly trained officers are if their only defense is killing not disabling. He also had a taser, why a gun
If that was his daughter with the knife he wouldn't have shot her. The problem with police is that they see black ppl as disposable.
All these situational in this thread when we have seen knife weilding psychopaths not get killed before.
What your trying to say Is her dying was the best case scenario and it wasn't
if he used a taser she be alive rn
some of these cops are just blood lustful imo
look at this s***, it’s still f*** the pigs. What idiots they are by saying this s***.
The shooting is still justified at the need of the day.