  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    im pretty sure its a BS claim being flung to mitigate hate crime charges and to bait the media

    if im wrong ill be surprised lmao

    RW extremists love playing around after atrocities, look at Christchurch

    IIRC footage of him talking in a video in 2021 came out too and he did not sound anything remotely close to what you’d expect a non binary person to sound like. He just sounded like the average edgy cod player

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    im pretty sure its a BS claim being flung to mitigate hate crime charges and to bait the media

    if im wrong ill be surprised lmao

    RW extremists love playing around after atrocities, look at Christchurch

    I mean yeah, arguing with them is futile, you just have to let it echo and not engage.

  • Nov 23, 2022
    zeus man

    IIRC footage of him talking in a video in 2021 came out too and he did not sound anything remotely close to what you’d expect a non binary person to sound like. He just sounded like the average edgy cod player

    bro livestreamed himself in a standoff with the cops with an AR and threatened to blow up the house if they came in

    those political connections with his MAGA grandpa in Santee, CA must be good asf to get off like that

  • Nov 23, 2022
    3 replies

    I mean yeah, arguing with them is futile, you just have to let it echo and not engage.

    You have to debunk their info before it can hit critical mass

  • Nov 23, 2022
    zeus man

    It’s endless arguments and more dumbass trolls just end up popping up

    exactly. At this point I am trying to think of the first mass shooting outside of a school that I heard of and its honestly all blending together.

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    You have to debunk their info before it can hit critical mass

    people TRY to do that but I'm not sure it's effective. I'm on that side but it's exhausting

  • Nov 23, 2022

    im pretty sure its a BS claim being flung to mitigate hate crime charges and to bait the media

    if im wrong ill be surprised lmao

    RW extremists love playing around after atrocities, look at Christchurch

    public defenders really putting that in their legal filings at this guy's request for a "they can't arrest a husband and wife for the same crime" tier defense strategy


  • Nov 23, 2022

    You have to debunk their info before it can hit critical mass

    that's unfortunately not how anything works

  • Nov 23, 2022

    people TRY to do that but I'm not sure it's effective. I'm on that side but it's exhausting

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    i wish him the best man keep him in your thoughts

    Thank you

    They are doing okay. Just a bit shaken up

  • Nov 23, 2022
    2 replies

    like for instance, 4chan. I don't think anyone goes on there trying to dispel their narratives.

  • Nov 23, 2022
    cole breezy

    Thank you

    They are doing okay. Just a bit shaken up

    scary times fr

    i worry about my fam because i got a couple relatives who are gay and out

    im also bi myself, these f***ers are bringing out some dark s*** people thought we all moved on from

    no one f***s with my family like niko from GTA 4 in that one mission fr

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    like for instance, 4chan. I don't think anyone goes on there trying to dispel their narratives.

    no ones talking about doing it on 4chan, you debunk it in the mainstream before the information void gets filled by disinfo flowing upwards from the hate sites

    its literally an infowar based on who gets it out first

  • Nov 23, 2022

    like for instance, 4chan. I don't think anyone goes on there trying to dispel their narratives.

    lol got to just let them folks cook

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply
    · edited

    no ones talking about doing it on 4chan, you debunk it in the mainstream before the information void gets filled by disinfo flowing upwards from the hate sites

    its literally an infowar based on who gets it out first


    you are not convincing anyone under the non binary hashtag that this human is not non binary. They don't care whether its true or not they are using it to argue and be right online

  • Nov 23, 2022
  • Nov 23, 2022
    2 replies


    you are not convincing anyone under the non binary hashtag that this human is not non binary. They don't care whether its true or not they are using it to argue and be right online

    yeah and Im talking about issues like this, where they just take a narrative and run with it, not blatant misinformation. the defense lawyer says he's non binary, normal bystanders can gather that could just be a defense for his hate crime but the RW will never see that bc they are trying to follow their agenda.

  • Nov 23, 2022

    yeah and Im talking about issues like this, where they just take a narrative and run with it, not blatant misinformation. the defense lawyer says he's non binary, normal bystanders can gather that could just be a defense for his hate crime but the RW will never see that bc they are trying to follow their agenda.

    like many dont understand that they will drive themselves mad and exhaust themselves trying to argue or prove everyone they vehemently disagree with wrong. Them motherfuckers could be given all the evidence in the world it doesn't matter it was said the person is non binary that is what they are going to roll with no matter what not only that if anyone questions whether they are non binary these people will be like "why are you questioning them living their truth seems kind of hypocritical of you to choose when to believe someone is LGBT or not". Like just leave it be

  • Nov 23, 2022

    yeah and Im talking about issues like this, where they just take a narrative and run with it, not blatant misinformation. the defense lawyer says he's non binary, normal bystanders can gather that could just be a defense for his hate crime but the RW will never see that bc they are trying to follow their agenda.

    Yeah the thing is you’re not trying to convince the right-wingers who are already baptized in the blood of Trump and really do believe this s***, you’re trying to get at the people who are most susceptible which are “apolitical” types who are gullible for the first thing they see and don’t look past the headlines

    Fascists use centrists and unknowing people who don’t consider themselves “politically knowledgeable” to launder their stuff into the mainstream

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    His previous interaction with cops was that his mother said he tried to blow her up with a pipe bomb - typical reactionary conservative mind. Type of guy who strains ones resistance to the death penalty

    That last sentence again.

    It’s these types of people walking the earth that make me err on the side of caution about eliminating the death penalty cause ill be honest, when dylan roof gets the chair I’m smoking on the roof pack.

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    Politicians in this country after every shooting:


  • Nov 23, 2022

    Politicians in this country after every shooting:


    For the Republican Party, some really like this kinda stuff happening because they fully believe the “LGBTQ+ = pedo” narrative that the RW media complex spreads, while others use rhetoric which fans the flames while knowing its BS but cynically sees it as politically useful

  • Nov 23, 2022
    2 replies

    this kid’s family story is f***in crazy

    no wonder this kid turned towards hate-motivated violence, doesn’t excuse it though

    “You know Mormons don't do gay. We don't do gay. There's no gays in the Mormon church. We don't do gay,” Brink said.

    One. Day.

    We gon’ talk about neglectful parenting dawg.

    Let a bill pass where parents of mass shooters can be held liable & get sued (cause nothing causes change in this country but “pockets”) and I promise you these shootings’ll start to decrease.

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    “You know Mormons don't do gay. We don't do gay. There's no gays in the Mormon church. We don't do gay,” Brink said.

    One. Day.

    We gon’ talk about neglectful parenting dawg.

    Let a bill pass where parents of mass shooters can be held liable & get sued (cause nothing causes change in this country but “pockets”) and I promise you these shootings’ll start to decrease.

    that dude’s story is f***in nuts

    hes an ex-porn star/mma fighter who got addicted to meth and his ex (the shooter’s mom) lied to him and said his son was dead and mourned him

    he got vids on p***hub

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    that dude’s story is f***in nuts

    hes an ex-porn star/mma fighter who got addicted to meth and his ex (the shooter’s mom) lied to him and said his son was dead and mourned him

    he got vids on p***hub

    All I’m seeing in this is neglectful parenting.

    We gotta bring back notion of parental shaming dawg.

    It truly saddens me nothing came of this.

    But at the same time it makes sense why nothing came of this. If anything did, it would make a lot of white families look inward and realize how extremely f***ed up their kids are.

    Stop. Raising. Weirdos!