  • Nov 23, 2022
    2 replies

    That last sentence again.

    It’s these types of people walking the earth that make me err on the side of caution about eliminating the death penalty cause ill be honest, when dylan roof gets the chair I’m smoking on the roof pack.

    "smoking on that roof pack "

    I did a presentation way back on we shouldn't have the death penalty but goodness

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    All I’m seeing in this is neglectful parenting.

    We gotta bring back notion of parental shaming dawg.

    It truly saddens me nothing came of this.

    But at the same time it makes sense why nothing came of this. If anything did, it would make a lot of white families look inward and realize how extremely f***ed up their kids are.

    Stop. Raising. Weirdos!

    ima be honest i dont like using this term but this whole thing is some white trash s*** gone horribly wrong and ended up with taking it out on others

  • Nov 23, 2022
    2 replies

    "smoking on that roof pack "

    I did a presentation way back on we shouldn't have the death penalty but goodness

    It’s nuance to the discussion a lot of left niggas dont let ppl have.

    Yes, alot of flimsy cases has resulted in innocent niggas getting killed/stranded on death row for an alarming amount of time

    And yes, we need to rethink/remodel how our current justice system is set up for criminals to fail and not rehabilitate them via empathy of understanding and assistance

    While at the same time, acknowledging that nah. Some people legitimately should not be allowed to walk the earth. Or at least never be allowed within the confines of society ever. A mass shooter is someone that for all intents and purposes forfeited they “human being” rights to me.

    Because for each testimony of transformative justice success, there’s always a Malcolm London that gives credence to the fact that “Some. Niggas. NEED to go to jail.”

  • necromancer

    ima be honest i dont like using this term but this whole thing is some white trash s*** gone horribly wrong and ended up with taking it out on others

    Absolutely white trash, father looks inbred in the face deadass.

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    It’s nuance to the discussion a lot of left niggas dont let ppl have.

    Yes, alot of flimsy cases has resulted in innocent niggas getting killed/stranded on death row for an alarming amount of time

    And yes, we need to rethink/remodel how our current justice system is set up for criminals to fail and not rehabilitate them via empathy of understanding and assistance

    While at the same time, acknowledging that nah. Some people legitimately should not be allowed to walk the earth. Or at least never be allowed within the confines of society ever. A mass shooter is someone that for all intents and purposes forfeited they “human being” rights to me.

    Because for each testimony of transformative justice success, there’s always a Malcolm London that gives credence to the fact that “Some. Niggas. NEED to go to jail.”

    I wasn't expecting to see that name lol . I was with randoms in Chicago cause I was walking lake shore and we were discussing a bunch of chicago stuff and he came up .

    His whole situation is fascinating because people were protesting to free him while at the same time community justice wasn't working. It becomes like damned if you do damned if you don't when it comes to alternative to prison and death penalty system

    Like how do some grow if Ego is there or accountability never humbles someone.

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    nah you got to stop political side twitter lol I used to get into arguments with people on there and then they got me poofed then from then on I said yeah "yall got it"

    Wtf Is getting poofed?

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    I wasn't expecting to see that name lol . I was with randoms in Chicago cause I was walking lake shore and we were discussing a bunch of chicago stuff and he came up .

    His whole situation is fascinating because people were protesting to free him while at the same time community justice wasn't working. It becomes like damned if you do damned if you don't when it comes to alternative to prison and death penalty system

    Like how do some grow if Ego is there or accountability never humbles someone.

    Saw a chicago reader article recently bring up yca and that other weird poet haitan nigga and it brought his name up.

    The issue is not realizing we be setting kids up to fail from the start. I wouldn’t be surprised if malcolm was also a product of neglectful/traumatic parenting. Most people don’t wake up one morning going “yo i wanna become a serial rapist” that s*** is taught.

    That’s why I’m saying, if we wanna start immediate change, hold parents of mass shooters financially liable. Those types of crimes are the results of your failure as a parent to guide said child the knowledge of right vs not emptying a clip on unarmed innocents en masse.

    Inbred father said he congratulated his son on violence. Good for him, he/his ex should have to payback all the families of the victims of this shooting then.

    Accountability HAS to come up sometime.

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    Wtf Is getting poofed?

    oh twitter policy before musk at least was even more automation based so if they found a tweet where you said kill or shoot it could be reported get you suspended easy and appeals process on any perceived threat is a pain in the ass. Like wording got me

  • Nov 23, 2022

    Saw a chicago reader article recently bring up yca and that other weird poet haitan nigga and it brought his name up.

    The issue is not realizing we be setting kids up to fail from the start. I wouldn’t be surprised if malcolm was also a product of neglectful/traumatic parenting. Most people don’t wake up one morning going “yo i wanna become a serial rapist” that s*** is taught.

    That’s why I’m saying, if we wanna start immediate change, hold parents of mass shooters financially liable. Those types of crimes are the results of your failure as a parent to guide said child the knowledge of right vs not emptying a clip on unarmed innocents en masse.

    Inbred father said he congratulated his son on violence. Good for him, he/his ex should have to payback all the families of the victims of this shooting then.

    Accountability HAS to come up sometime.

    Nah just parents so much as crew and in his case the ego did really get to his head. Even after he got called out the last time his like tweets revealed how much he was focused on his main character sense of being the activist. The cornel west shout out the black power ranger and all that s***. Then connected to famous people from Chance to his girlfriend who stalked the victims. So its a lot of enabling rather than changing of any behaviors.

  • Nov 23, 2022

    oh twitter policy before musk at least was even more automation based so if they found a tweet where you said kill or shoot it could be reported get you suspended easy and appeals process on any perceived threat is a pain in the ass. Like wording got me

    Oh I gotcha

  • Nov 23, 2022

    It’s nuance to the discussion a lot of left niggas dont let ppl have.

    Yes, alot of flimsy cases has resulted in innocent niggas getting killed/stranded on death row for an alarming amount of time

    And yes, we need to rethink/remodel how our current justice system is set up for criminals to fail and not rehabilitate them via empathy of understanding and assistance

    While at the same time, acknowledging that nah. Some people legitimately should not be allowed to walk the earth. Or at least never be allowed within the confines of society ever. A mass shooter is someone that for all intents and purposes forfeited they “human being” rights to me.

    Because for each testimony of transformative justice success, there’s always a Malcolm London that gives credence to the fact that “Some. Niggas. NEED to go to jail.”

    no abolitionist is saying punishment is inherently carceral or that punishment for ones actions cant be done

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    amazing legal defense he’s got here

  • Nov 23, 2022

    i'm so f***ing tired of grifters making up s*** so they can attack our community

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply

    “You know Mormons don't do gay. We don't do gay. There's no gays in the Mormon church. We don't do gay,” Brink said.

    One. Day.

    We gon’ talk about neglectful parenting dawg.

    Let a bill pass where parents of mass shooters can be held liable & get sued (cause nothing causes change in this country but “pockets”) and I promise you these shootings’ll start to decrease.

    hopefully this sets a precedent

  • devil is a lie

    hopefully this sets a precedent

    Let's. F***ing. Go.

  • Nov 23, 2022
    3 replies

    This dude is built like an aborted Cabbage Patch Kid

  • world power 🇵🇸
    Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    This dude is built like an aborted Cabbage Patch Kid

    looks like someone did a batman interrogation on him

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    amazing legal defense he’s got here

    Can any lawyer be so dumb as to think this will effectively dodge this being classified as a hate crime?

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    Can any lawyer be so dumb as to think this will effectively dodge this being classified as a hate crime?

    i'm not 100% sure if it's a grift or not after reading deeper into it. apparently he was active in certain related spaces online and had tried to file for a legal name change at one point.

  • Nov 23, 2022
    1 reply
    world power

    looks like someone did a batman interrogation on him

    they said he was stomped by high heels

  • Nov 23, 2022
    2 replies
    krishna bound

    i'm not 100% sure if it's a grift or not after reading deeper into it. apparently he was active in certain related spaces online and had tried to file for a legal name change at one point.

    I'd be interested in hearing about what those spaces may be, if you can point me towards the info as far as I know the name change was to distance himself from his dad, who he viewed as degenerate

  • Nov 23, 2022
    babylon sherm

    This dude is built like an aborted Cabbage Patch Kid

    Wtf is going on with his arm

  • Nov 23, 2022
    babylon sherm

    I'd be interested in hearing about what those spaces may be, if you can point me towards the info as far as I know the name change was to distance himself from his dad, who he viewed as degenerate

    That interview w the dad was crazy af

  • Nov 23, 2022
    babylon sherm

    I'd be interested in hearing about what those spaces may be, if you can point me towards the info as far as I know the name change was to distance himself from his dad, who he viewed as degenerate

    lemme find it again and i can link it here, theres a lot of gross misinfo out for sure from rw grifters trying to capitalize on this or make light of it which sucks to wade through
