  • Sep 11, 2023

    Anyone who has eaten leftovers knows that sometimes they taste even better than the original meal they came from. In addition, leftovers are an easy meal to make – you can just heat them up and eat them. However, it turns out that leftovers can also be very dangerous, and even deadly. Sadly, that was the case for a 20-year-old student, who passed away after eating five-day-old pasta.

    It’s a case that was written about in the Journal of Clinical Microbiologya few years back, but has resurfaced due to some YouTube videos and Reddit posts. According to case reports, the student would make his meals for the week on Sunday so he wouldn’t have to deal with it on the weekdays. One Sunday, he cooked up some spaghetti and put it in Tupperware containers so that days later, he could just add some sauce to it and reheat it.

    After five days of the pasta sitting out on the counter at room temperature, he heated some up and ate it. He noted an odd taste to the food but figured it was just due to the new tomato sauce he was using. He went out to play some sports but after 30 minutes, he had to come home due to nausea, abdominal pain and a headache. Diarrhea and vomiting followed so he drank water and tried to sleep it off. The next day, after he didn’t get out of bed for his classes, his parents checked on him and unfortunately, he had died.

  • Sep 11, 2023
    1 reply

    4 day left overs please

  • Sep 11, 2023
    3 replies

    How do they know he noticed an odd taste?

  • Sep 11, 2023

    4 day left overs please

    Nigga aint even put it in a fridge or non?

  • Sep 11, 2023
    3 replies

    ngl 5 days is crazy, i wouldnt eat it if its more than 48hrs after

  • Sep 11, 2023
    1 reply

    ngl 5 days is crazy, i wouldnt eat it if its more than 48hrs after

    I give pasta 3 days and even then that s*** in the fridge

  • Sep 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Dudes always be dropping during before or after sport activities just stop doing sports bro

  • Sep 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Bro, I'm not even touching that s*** if it's 2 days out in summer. Food poisoning ain't no joke.

  • Sep 11, 2023
    1 reply

    There was a video on this a few years ago. ChubbyEmu (Dr. Bernard) did a full in-depth study and a***ysis of it.

  • Sep 11, 2023

    Why would it not immediately go into the fridge?

  • Sep 11, 2023
    3 replies

    Time to ban pasta

  • Sep 11, 2023
    3 replies
    Bow And Arrow

    Time to ban pasta

    And all pitbulls

  • Sep 11, 2023
    5 replies
    Bow And Arrow

    Time to ban pasta

    Pasta one of the most overhyped, overrated, and played out food oat. I'm convinced that if it wasn't cheap hardly anyone would eat it.

    RIP to the dude 💐

  • Sep 11, 2023
    1 reply

    This the s*** they should teach in school too

  • That's gotta be the worst when you need to use the bathroom at the same time

    Real nightmare scenario.

  • Sep 11, 2023

    Will Pasta be discontinued now too?

  • Sep 11, 2023
    1 reply

    5 days on the COUNTER is CRAZY, not even in the fridge

    rip and all but this should be considered a suicide cause no person in their right mind would ever do that

  • Drogon

    Pasta one of the most overhyped, overrated, and played out food oat. I'm convinced that if it wasn't cheap hardly anyone would eat it.

    RIP to the dude 💐


  • Sep 11, 2023

    I give pasta 3 days and even then that s*** in the fridge

    oh yeah thats even more insane I didnt even peep he left it out on the counter and not the fridge

  • Sep 11, 2023
    2 replies

    Imagine eating something you let sit on the counter for 1 day never mind 5 days

  • Sep 11, 2023
    1 reply

    I’m suspicious if I leave s*** out on the counter for a few hours tbh f*** that

    That nigga was 100% eating some mold
