Dog if you leave anything you need to cook out longer than like 12 hours in 80+ degree weather when the humidity is high you need to throw that s*** out
Pasta one of the most overhyped, overrated, and played out food oat. I'm convinced that if it wasn't cheap hardly anyone would eat it.
RIP to the dude 💐
overrated for sure
Dog if you leave anything you need to cook out longer than like 12 hours in 80+ degree weather when the humidity is high you need to throw that s*** out
Man imagine all the bacteria cooking in that s*** over those 5 days
Man imagine all the bacteria cooking in that s*** over those 5 days
Esp if bro didn't put it in a container like really sorry about what happened but wtf was he thinking lol grain attracts some of the deadliest bacteria in the game
Dawg thought he was cooking up the new v*ccine
Thread title freaked me out a tiny bit, given how long I keep leftovers. Dude stored it outside the fridge tho? That doesn’t even make any damn sense. Damn near suicide via stupidity
Natural selection
Imagine eating something you let sit on the counter for 1 day never mind 5 days
Imagine your ancestors surviving for generations and this how their seed goes out
I heard if you leave freshly cooked rice out uncovered for even an hour or so that it develops significant amount of bacteria
Been more careful since then. Obv 5 days is way different tho