There are people who don’t put leftovers in the fridge???
There are people with amazing parents
Failed parenting no other explanation
What the lack of a good ass beating does to a mf
Fr. Kids be about to graduate highschool and don't even know how to use the washing machine.
We used to eat pizza that we left on the counter overnight as kids and that makes me cringe thinking about it.
5 day pasta is crazy.
Pasta one of the most overhyped, overrated, and played out food oat. I'm convinced that if it wasn't cheap hardly anyone would eat it.
RIP to the dude 💐
cap dumbo
Mama Mia
We used to eat pizza that we left on the counter overnight as kids and that makes me cringe thinking about it.
5 day pasta is crazy.
I remember getting Domino's in college and just eating out of the box over a course of the week
I remember getting Domino's in college and just eating out of the box over a course of the week
It took you a week to finish a pizza?
I remember getting Domino's in college and just eating out of the box over a course of the week
my nigga how hard is it to put something in the fridge
my nigga how hard is it to put something in the fridge
Big box
Small mini fridge already full
Lazy college student
I survived
Imagine your ancestors surviving for generations and this how their seed goes out
to be fair them mfs died by stubbing their toes or getting a cold back in the day but I get what you’re saying
his parents should be arrested for not teaching him basic things about food safety
Pasta one of the most overhyped, overrated, and played out food oat. I'm convinced that if it wasn't cheap hardly anyone would eat it.
RIP to the dude 💐
this gotta be the most ed s*** i ever read
He left out what a dumbass
In the firdge it would have been good to go still if sealed properly
Shout out all the dumb ktt users that post a thread once in a while about left out food on the counter or the car
Of course bacteria starts to form with cooked food in a container that’s been set out in a dorm that’s probably humid asf due to summer weather.