noah is among absolute worst neoliberals on the entire website. he self-identifies as a "YIMBY Neoliberal" and consistently has some of the worst takes on all of twitter, which is honestly impressive. basically a parody of what people think neolibs are like across the entire spectrum
a retweet from noah's account
im not gonna lie, i lowkey agree with this, the whole terminology cycle s*** and taking stuff out of academia in a improper context is annoying
a retweet from noah's account
im not gonna lie, i lowkey agree with this, the whole terminology cycle s*** and taking stuff out of academia in a improper context is annoying
On a surface level it's agreeable but I think it falls apart under scrutiny. This really isn't an inherent issue with leftists imo but rather a problem with social societies as they approach increasingly fractured post-modern understandings of the world around them - and I don't mean that in the conservative talking point fashion, i mean it in the sense of how its even possible to interface with the world around oneself conceptually
If you've ever seen right wing (actual right wing not centrist) twitter, you'll actually notice they increasingly do the same thing - terms are created in increasingly stratified manners for meaningless reasons; you'll suddenly see random scattered terms "bioleninism", "traditionalism", "nazbol" or euphemisms like "globalism" (capitalism) (don't want to repeat other more obvious ones so i don't get banned) instead of anything actually related to supposed Right Wing overlaps, and then the introduction of these terms - which in reality differentiate absolutely nothing - become pivots of argumentation. Liberals increasingly do the same thing, in extremely quick succession. "Birthing people", "bodies of color", etc. are neologisms developed in short periods of time to reflect concepts on a social level politically which in reality do absolutely nothing to change underlying political concepts beyond introducing argumentation.
No one really has any idea of what they believe because their beliefs have been wrapped up inside an eternal ouroboros that feeds off of its own self-flagellation and need for spectacle and increasing stratification over time; Fisher recently got a lot of attention because of the AOC thing with capitalist realism, which i think is what people point to when they hear this stuff, but I think Fisher really just reflects ideas from people like Derrida, Debord, or Baulliard at the end of the day, and the more you look at social politics the harder it becomes to dispute
turn up. the audio dub on her is that weird in between where you don't know if its high art or not
"Petersonian" im sick
"Petersonian" im sick
these twitter meme philosophers are legitimately the funniest people in existence, there is no line between sincerity and irony, this first tweet could have been a parody, but then you realize it's real and he's 100% sincere. it's amazing.
these twitter meme philosophers are legitimately the funniest people in existence, there is no line between sincerity and irony, this first tweet could have been a parody, but then you realize it's real and he's 100% sincere. it's amazing.
the business formatting of tweets as if its a swift corporate press release is the most unnerving part. Did this thought just come to you, or was this really sitting in the drafts?