  • Nov 1, 2021
    1 reply

    honestly libs and tumblr leftists mishandled the concept of "cultural appropriation" so bad and f***ed up its actual meaning so bad that i kinda think both sides, whether the yt savior types who think white people making chinese or mexican food is bad or the people who think its somehow epic edgy trigger xD to wear a sombrero while saying "tacos and burritos ayeyaeyaeyae speedy gonzales landscaper", are both f***ing stupid and i just wish that they would shut the f*** up

  • Nov 1, 2021
    1 reply

    the fault of the current handling of "cultural appropriation" by the mainstream (mainly "woke" leftists and liberals) is that it went from actual critiques of capitalism making a mockery out of culture through commodification, to unironic "race == culture" arguments that like white supremacists use and implying that cultures can't fuse and co-exist in harmony together (i wonder who makes that argument)

    it's the same capitalist co-optation of radical concepts into some weaksauce s*** that doesn't threaten capital

    I was curious about /r/stupidpol's perspective and it's surprisingly more level-headed than I thought it would be, considering a lot of the sub is kinda just reactionary at this point.

    This pretty much explains my point a bit better

    another good Marxist critique of it by Freddie deBoer:

  • Nov 1, 2021
    krishna bound

    maybe should have rethought that one, my friends

    the etymological similarities between the two F slurs is really fascinating s*** imo

  • Nov 1, 2021

    the fault of the current handling of "cultural appropriation" by the mainstream (mainly "woke" leftists and liberals) is that it went from actual critiques of capitalism making a mockery out of culture through commodification, to unironic "race == culture" arguments that like white supremacists use and implying that cultures can't fuse and co-exist in harmony together (i wonder who makes that argument)

    it's the same capitalist co-optation of radical concepts into some weaksauce s*** that doesn't threaten capital

    I was curious about /r/stupidpol's perspective and it's surprisingly more level-headed than I thought it would be, considering a lot of the sub is kinda just reactionary at this point.

    This pretty much explains my point a bit better

    another good Marxist critique of it by Freddie deBoer:

    it's ironically one of the most parochial concepts that the "woke left" propagates

  • Nov 1, 2021

  • Nov 1, 2021

  • Nov 1, 2021

  • Nov 1, 2021
    krishna bound

    wish you never posted this i hate her face

  • Nov 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Unreal, invoke 25 on this old man, put him in a home and give him his apple sauce, this dude is an embarrassment

  • Nov 1, 2021
    Zach LaBeam

    Mitt is smashin all them Mormon hoes man

    They don't call him Mitt for nothing!

  • Nov 1, 2021
    master chief

    Unreal, invoke 25 on this old man, put him in a home and give him his apple sauce, this dude is an embarrassment

    he ain’t asleep, it just looks like he’s looking down while listening

    both him and trump are dumb boomers

  • necromancer

    honestly libs and tumblr leftists mishandled the concept of "cultural appropriation" so bad and f***ed up its actual meaning so bad that i kinda think both sides, whether the yt savior types who think white people making chinese or mexican food is bad or the people who think its somehow epic edgy trigger xD to wear a sombrero while saying "tacos and burritos ayeyaeyaeyae speedy gonzales landscaper", are both f***ing stupid and i just wish that they would shut the f*** up

    Showing this to a 15th century human I think his head is gonna combust

  • Nov 3, 2021
    1 reply

  • Nov 3, 2021
    3 replies

    peterson and his ilk really really don’t understand what they’re criticizing

    shoutout to epoch philosophy, one of my fav lefty channels on youtube

  • Nov 3, 2021

    peterson and his ilk really really don’t understand what they’re criticizing

    shoutout to epoch philosophy, one of my fav lefty channels on youtube

    love epoch, u check out plastic pill philosophy or something as well, think epoch shout em too

  • Nov 3, 2021

    peterson and his ilk really really don’t understand what they’re criticizing

    shoutout to epoch philosophy, one of my fav lefty channels on youtube

    i have such disdain for these pseuds

  • Nov 3, 2021

    peterson and his ilk really really don’t understand what they’re criticizing

    shoutout to epoch philosophy, one of my fav lefty channels on youtube

    In the Peterson Zizek “debate”, Peterson said he’s never read anything from Marx (not even the communist manifesto), Engels, or Lenin lmao

  • Nov 3, 2021

    and even despite this i see the below

    yes clearly the reason democrats lost was because republicans cheated democracy and stole the election. republicans claimed democrats were Machiavellian political mechanists, but they were the real Machiavellians the whole time! that campaign talking point worked great for Trump and his associates.

    also lmfao @ calling the GOP the right or equating them to the european far-right

  • Nov 3, 2021

    holy f***ing s***

  • Nov 4, 2021

    (referring to the graph with this post, not the tweet making fun of the graph)

    its like a game of where's waldo ,can you spot whats wrong with this graph, hint, it's 3-4 things

  • Nov 4, 2021
    1 reply

    ngl this is funny

  • Nov 4, 2021

    let's go brandon is objectively the funniest thing to come out of politics since trump tweeted the coffin dancers

  • Nov 4, 2021
    1 reply

  • Nov 4, 2021