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  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    Brah im boutta throw a hissy fit if donald trump wins again. F***ing boomers. Dude is a complete idiot, throwing my mexicans in cages and saying the US has "the best climate".

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Brah im boutta throw a hissy fit if donald trump wins again. F***ing boomers. Dude is a complete idiot, throwing my mexicans in cages and saying the US has "the best climate".

    what a goat

  • Oct 29, 2019

    what a goat

    do you want to join

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    It's really just Trump vs. Trump this year huh

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Yang Gang

  • Oct 29, 2019
    4 replies

    I still stand by my statement that Andrew Yang is the only candidate that could successfully defeat trump and take votes away from on the fence trump supporters

    Warren doesn’t stand a chance and Bernie doesn’t have it in him anymore.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Imagine voting lmao

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    I still stand by my statement that Andrew Yang is the only candidate that could successfully defeat trump and take votes away from on the fence trump supporters

    Warren doesn’t stand a chance and Bernie doesn’t have it in him anymore.

    In order to beat trump you’d just have to basically mirror 2016 but win the rust belt, you’re probably right that Yang has the best chance of doing that since his policies seem to appeal to voters in that area the best

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies
    krishna bound

    In order to beat trump you’d just have to basically mirror 2016 but win the rust belt, you’re probably right that Yang has the best chance of doing that since his policies seem to appeal to voters in that area the best

    Yup. Yang is the only candidate talking about issues relating to those people and he’s the only candidate a majority of ex trump supporters actually respect

    It’s just unfortunate he hasn’t caught on yet and it might be too late now. The 18-25 age group really has a chance to turn this election but I doubt their turnout will be higher than 2016

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Yup. Yang is the only candidate talking about issues relating to those people and he’s the only candidate a majority of ex trump supporters actually respect

    It’s just unfortunate he hasn’t caught on yet and it might be too late now. The 18-25 age group really has a chance to turn this election but I doubt their turnout will be higher than 2016

    I wish Yang wasn’t going overboard with making policies for no reason though because I don’t dislike the guy but some of the stuff on his site I don’t feel like he thought through and just tacked it there to make it look like he had a policy for everything

  • Oct 29, 2019

    I still stand by my statement that Andrew Yang is the only candidate that could successfully defeat trump and take votes away from on the fence trump supporters

    Warren doesn’t stand a chance and Bernie doesn’t have it in him anymore.

    And what do you have to actually back this information up

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    No one really stands out to me yet.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    I still stand by my statement that Andrew Yang is the only candidate that could successfully defeat trump and take votes away from on the fence trump supporters

    Warren doesn’t stand a chance and Bernie doesn’t have it in him anymore.

    honestly i love Yang but i think most of the major candidates (with the exception of Kamala and Pete) have a pretty decent shot against Trump. I think Hillary lost moreso than Trump won in 2016 (not to discredit him personally for his victory), and third party votes are probably going to be lower as Stein has said shes not running, and you prolly wont have a double governor libertarian ticket this time around. Basically whoevers running just has to bring back those midwest voters (and trumps approval is rather weak in these states)

  • Oct 29, 2019

    It's really just Trump vs. Trump this year huh

  • Oct 29, 2019

    No one really stands out to me yet.


  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    Bernie is beating Trump in Iowa, lost Iowa to hilary by literally less than 1%, beat her in Wisconsin, which she narrowly lost to Trump, beat her soundly in West Virginia where Trump swept her, beat her in Indiana where she was swept by Trump, and may have pulled the biggest primary upset ever in Michigan, narrowly beating Hilary in a state she lost to trump by mere percentage points.

    Why do people like to pretend Bernie can't beat trump? Do they just want to sound informed?

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    Yup. Yang is the only candidate talking about issues relating to those people and he’s the only candidate a majority of ex trump supporters actually respect

    It’s just unfortunate he hasn’t caught on yet and it might be too late now. The 18-25 age group really has a chance to turn this election but I doubt their turnout will be higher than 2016

    Why are you lying lmfao

    There's a candidate who is literally building his base with young people and working class people by talking about the issues they care about and just had the biggest rally of any candidate so far

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    A lot of average/boomer type people aren’t really appealed to by the policies becoming standard to the DNC especially outside of cosmopolitan areas. People like Warren, Sanders, etc aren’t inherently bad candidates but have positions which over half the county feels alienates them, and there’s a refusal to change or acknowledge this. This combined with bad/strange arbitrary debate requirements and clear behind the scenes support and dislike of certain candidates (I.e. Biden or Warren vs like, Yang or Gabbard) doesn’t make make the DNC seem too great.
    That said the RNC has a lot of issues too with similar things but since NYC & LA don’t decide whose president from a popular vote they have the edge in average boomer per-state appeal. They’re also completely united around Trump so they don’t have to worry about the party losing voters as much while meanwhile the DNC is an amalgamation of radically different candidates who don’t have as much overlap with their bases

    There's still milquetoast candidates like Biden and Yang, they should appeal to people that don't like the policies becoming standard. If they're "too left" or somehow s***ty candidates to them then they're probably never going to vote democrat in the first place.

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Bernie is beating Trump in Iowa, lost Iowa to hilary by literally less than 1%, beat her in Wisconsin, which she narrowly lost to Trump, beat her soundly in West Virginia where Trump swept her, beat her in Indiana where she was swept by Trump, and may have pulled the biggest primary upset ever in Michigan, narrowly beating Hilary in a state she lost to trump by mere percentage points.

    Why do people like to pretend Bernie can't beat trump? Do they just want to sound informed?

    Isn't Bernie gonna be soon

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Isn't Bernie gonna be soon

    Trump only five years younger than him, mans is 73

  • Oct 29, 2019

    There's still milquetoast candidates like Biden and Yang, they should appeal to people that don't like the policies becoming standard. If they're "too left" or somehow s***ty candidates to them then they're probably never going to vote democrat in the first place.

    nah i wasn't trying to say every candidate was "too left" just that they aren't widespread appealing. Biden might be the most milquetoast but he's just a bad candidate, and Yang is super polarizing among boomers; neolib types seem to also hate him for one reason or another.
    Sanders and Warren are mostly good candidates but definitely push away people in parts of the midwest and south with certain policies. Other candidates just don't have big bases or name recognition, and/or fall into a policy limbo thing too

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Trump only five years younger than him, mans is 73

    lol can't wait till he dies

  • Yang Gang

  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    Dems gonna lose in 2020 and 2024 lmaoooo.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Bernie survived a heart attack in his late 70s I dont think this man can die

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