  • Jan 2, 2021
    1 reply

    frank stans taking this completely out of context was expected

    This applies to any artist
    Imagine not wanting an artist to take their time and release music

  • Jan 2, 2021

    would frank ocean hit like that after 2-3 years if he dropped a tape of freestyles every six months? f*** no

    it’s the fact that he comes out with totally fleshed out, meticulous, cutting edge works

    speak for yourselves

  • Jan 2, 2021

    There is other music to listen to. As much as I want to listen to a new Kendrick album, I can wait. Rather him take his time to we get something amazing than him rushing a project out because he feels he has to.

  • Jan 2, 2021
    1 reply

    4 years is not long at all especially from ppl like Frank who consistently drop loosies/features

    some of yall are so f***in impatient

    yall the same ones cryin when yall favs flop cus they think they can take 5 years off and people will still give af

  • Jan 2, 2021

    frank ocean fans are content with being ripped off and being trash and will pin any excuse they can

  • Jan 2, 2021
    1 reply

    op wants rushed, ill-prepared fast food music...

  • Jan 2, 2021

    already brought this point up in OP come with better excuses

    Your point was dumb. Niggas don’t need updates lol

    Just do what you gotta do to deliver what you feel is the best music. In the meantime there’s a ton of other music to listen to

  • Jan 2, 2021

    I need them raps, nigga. I need the verse, I don't care about what you going through or what you gotta do nigga, I need bars, sixteen of 'em.

  • Jan 2, 2021

    there will be at least one album every year that will satisfy you enough to not anticipate something else. just have to find it

  • Jan 2, 2021

    This is such an entitled ass post. An artist can drop whenever they want its their art

  • Jan 2, 2021

    to address the last part, you shouldnt get so held up waiting for them to drop

    if it comes it comes

  • Jan 2, 2021

    This applies to any artist
    Imagine not wanting an artist to take their time and release music

    at a certain point spending more time on an album ≠ its gonna be good

  • Jan 2, 2021

    sza album in moments op!

    good days out now !

  • Jan 2, 2021

    op wants rushed, ill-prepared fast food music...

    this nigga gone catch food poisoning 😹😹😹

  • Jan 2, 2021

    Bro y'all want everything instantly the artists you named aren't lazy they always come with something well thought out and worth the wait, music ain't something made in a factory youre dealing with human beings. If you take 4 years to drop a body of work that's fine, especially when it's great.

  • Jan 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Op acting like it's work for the fans to wait on albums is the most ridiculous thing here

    never said this at all. yall spineless

  • Jan 2, 2021
    1 reply

    waiting 4+ years for an album is ridiculous. none of these niggas dropping D’angelo level albums. As consumers we control whats hot. I say we should stop supporting lazy artists (Frank, TDE, etc)

    They dont owe us s*** but we also don’t owe them our time and hard earned money when they clearly don’t care about fans enough to even give us an update

    Bruh your hard earned money? nobody is forcing you to buy their music nor are they forcing you to take time to listen to it lmao also this is the most entitled s*** ever,these people have lives outside music,lives and experiences they draw from in order to create the art and often music is an outlet for them. They're not just here to work and entertain KTT user splice gtfoh

  • Jan 2, 2021
    1 reply

    I don't mind talented artist putting time in before releasing an album

    but fast food rappers taking 2 years off is laughable in my opinion.

  • Jan 2, 2021
    1 reply

    "hard earned money" as if music ain't a matter of $9.99 a month now. How are you giving someone your hard earned money by pressing play on an app that you would've been subscribed to regardless.

  • Jan 2, 2021
    · edited

    "hard earned money" as if music ain't a matter of $9.99 a month now. How are you giving someone your hard earned money by pressing play on an app that you would've been subscribed to regardless.

    He’s giving niggas a dollar max off his streams then the 10 dollars they might make off a t shirt

  • Jan 2, 2021

    yep people on here are spineless when it comes to letting their faves walk all over them

    you’re the consumer and their career depends on your $ they need to know that

    a lil hiatus is fine live your life and make new experiences to sing about though

    being an artist is still a job and you should expect professionalism

    lmaooooo bro i have better things to do with my life than worry about when he drops an album

    the people who let their “faves” walk all over them are people who are doing that to their own fault

    you have an entire life to live and if you are letting it be ruined by someone else WHO DOESNT KNOW YOU EXIST living their life then that is your own fault

    go paint, go run, go watch sports, go buy clothes, go do anything other than something that’s gonna leave you disappointed

    the music comes when it coems

  • Jan 2, 2021

    never said this at all. yall spineless

    What's "we also don’t owe them our time and hard earned money when they clearly don’t care about fans enough to even give us an update" supposed to mean then?

  • Jan 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Bruh your hard earned money? nobody is forcing you to buy their music nor are they forcing you to take time to listen to it lmao also this is the most entitled s*** ever,these people have lives outside music,lives and experiences they draw from in order to create the art and often music is an outlet for them. They're not just here to work and entertain KTT user splice gtfoh

    we gotta stop actin like we don’t control niggas careers tho. being an artist is a privilege its niggas out here wit real lives working real jobs and still drooling over when Frank drop some merch, not realizing they’re never gonna get it.

    But thats the whole gameplan they prey on the young and naive

  • Jan 2, 2021

    The House is Burning gonna be a classic so idc

  • Jan 2, 2021

    The House is Burning gonna be a classic so idc