  • Jun 19, 2020

    you're only 22 lol, there are people in their 30's and 40's in alot of college classes

    don't let your age and how people will perceive you stop you from doing what YOU want to do

  • Jun 19, 2020
    1 reply

    I went to uni with people in their late 30's who had 3 kids. If you have a goal you want to reach you should go for it. Doing nothing for sure isn't gonna get you there. And I'd go for a bachelors.

  • Jun 19, 2020

    i wish starting college at an older age was more normalized

    i had no clue what tf i was getting into when i started school at age 18 and if i started later i would’ve been in a way better spot than i am now. had to graduate with a super general degree and currently sitting around with no idea what to do with my life

    youre in a good position to start off with a clear direction and focus as a grown adult. you got it man

    From my experience 19-20 should be the norm

    In most eu countries they start at 19-21 as well

  • Ellinia 🍰
    Jun 19, 2020
    1 reply


  • Jun 19, 2020

    Never to old for school
    Go to a community college (2yrs) and see if you like it and then you’ll get an associates and that’ll open some jobs
    Then you can transfer to 4yr and it’ll be cheaper than just going straight into a uni

  • Jun 19, 2020
    1 reply

    i'm gonna keep it 100% real with you - I'm not the type of STEM bro who just walks around screaming "dude just x y z", but this is a pretty real way to make money.
    If you have any idea about programming, even the smallest bit, apply to small freelance jobs and lie slightly about your background, say you mainly worked on 1 or 2 NDA projects and are looking to get some non-NDA experience. You don't need a degree or anything for this. Working freelance jobs at first sucks, but you can build off of freelance work to get bigger projects. Because of it being remote, you can essentially learn in real time as you finish the project, which builds on the skill at the same time as you make money. At first you're probably only going to get jobs worth a few hundred, but use these as a springboard (both experience & portfolio wise) to build to bigger projects, such as reaching out to sub-contracting teams for state contracts. this route isnt for everyone but it def works, i guided one of friends through the process 2~ or so years ago when he was in a similar position and now he's full time freelancing

  • Jun 19, 2020

    Never too late to start bro

    Also, try to learn some computer science stuff in your free time

  • Jun 19, 2020



  • Jun 19, 2020

    22 young as s***

  • Jun 19, 2020

    Nigga just go to school then

  • sponge 🧽
    Jun 19, 2020
    Zach LaBeam

    College is different for everyone, vro. I didnt graduate til I was 26 and there were people in their 30s/40s/50s in a lot of my classes. You should get that AA first at community College (cheapest option) and then you can continue if you want.

  • Jun 19, 2020
    krishna bound

    i'm gonna keep it 100% real with you - I'm not the type of STEM bro who just walks around screaming "dude just x y z", but this is a pretty real way to make money.
    If you have any idea about programming, even the smallest bit, apply to small freelance jobs and lie slightly about your background, say you mainly worked on 1 or 2 NDA projects and are looking to get some non-NDA experience. You don't need a degree or anything for this. Working freelance jobs at first sucks, but you can build off of freelance work to get bigger projects. Because of it being remote, you can essentially learn in real time as you finish the project, which builds on the skill at the same time as you make money. At first you're probably only going to get jobs worth a few hundred, but use these as a springboard (both experience & portfolio wise) to build to bigger projects, such as reaching out to sub-contracting teams for state contracts. this route isnt for everyone but it def works, i guided one of friends through the process 2~ or so years ago when he was in a similar position and now he's full time freelancing

  • Jun 19, 2020

    I want to do IT, specifically web development.

    OK OP i can relate to this, here's the advice i'll offer. i just got my bachelors in InfoSys. it's pretty much the same thing as IT but a bit more focused on business infrastructure.

    1. go to CC and get an AA/AS in IT, CIS, or CS. this is typically super affordable especially if you're poor as f*** like i was. i completed a 2 year degree at mine and it literally cost me $50 out of pocket my entire tenure there and that was due to me f***ing up my own schedule.
    2a. transfer and go to a cheap in-state uni to complete a BSc. honestly online colleges are also a great alternative these days. WGU tuition is like $6k per year last i checked.
    2b. seek out an IT role shortly after you get your associates and maybe your first cert (i recommend Sec+), if they offer tuition reimbursement take it.
    4. profit

    there's not too many roles exclusively tasked with web development anymore, since much of it is done in CMS. the skills you learn in web dev are absolutely useful though and will be present in many other IT jobs like cloud engineering, but for the most part straight up web development is freelancing like 70% of the time.

    some will say that you don't really need a degree in IT/CS and i'd be inclined to agree, but you'll probably want one. i've seen sysadmin 1 guys make $70k-80k without a degree but that's generally the ceiling they have.

    some other general advice:

    • don't be TOO afraid of student loan debt. just don't take out more than what you'll make on your first year salary. i graduated last may and i'm only $12k in student loans, this s*** is likely gone by early next year easily. college can be quite affordable if you make the right decisions.
    • if you're still in college when you turn 24, your financial aid enrollment will change and you'll no longer be a dependent. depending on your circumstances, you can probably get more money.

    good luck bro, make something happen. let me know if you got any questions

  • hot pancakes πŸ₯ž
    Jun 19, 2020

    I went back to college at 25 so it’s not too late.

    Only had to take 2 years cause I had an associates

  • Jun 19, 2020

    What do you do now? If it’s been this much without college is that something you want to do? Just cause you get a degree doesn’t mean your given that job. I’d say look into a trade school.

  • bitch mob πŸ›
    Jun 19, 2020

    I'm still in the process of getting my bachelor's and I'm 26, was mandatory for me to take time off from academia after high school.

  • Jun 19, 2020

    Wtf why isnt reply working


  • Jun 19, 2020

    My mom became selfmade in her early 40s

    Dont let the concept of age ever control you

    Congrats to that queen truly inspiring to be honest

  • Jun 19, 2020
    Not Guilty

    Sometimes you have to guess where the button is

    It was because they deleted their post

  • Jun 19, 2020

    Bro I'm 22 and I still have a year and a half left in my degree. There is no definite age for getting your degree.

  • Jun 19, 2020
    2 replies

    The virgin college graduate wagecuck
    -has to lick boots, kiss ass, and live on his knees to get a promotion
    -must court capitalists into exploiting him of his labor
    -9 to 5 drone slave hours
    -salary gets robbed by the government to fund police departments and white supremacist institutions
    -only took got his degree because of societal expectations
    -can't even smoke weed after a long day droning at work; has to take a d*** test to get his paycheck

    the Chad weed dealer
    -answers to nobody; people need him, not the other way around
    -makes more than the college wagecuck with 0 effort and no degree
    -works whenever the f*** he wants
    -doesn't give a single dime to the government
    -doesn't give a f*** what anyone thinks or expects of him, lives a life of leisure and liberty
    -always got that fire

  • Jun 20, 2020

    My mom became selfmade in her early 40s

    Dont let the concept of age ever control you


  • Jun 20, 2020

    The virgin college graduate wagecuck
    -has to lick boots, kiss ass, and live on his knees to get a promotion
    -must court capitalists into exploiting him of his labor
    -9 to 5 drone slave hours
    -salary gets robbed by the government to fund police departments and white supremacist institutions
    -only took got his degree because of societal expectations
    -can't even smoke weed after a long day droning at work; has to take a d*** test to get his paycheck

    the Chad weed dealer
    -answers to nobody; people need him, not the other way around
    -makes more than the college wagecuck with 0 effort and no degree
    -works whenever the f*** he wants
    -doesn't give a single dime to the government
    -doesn't give a f*** what anyone thinks or expects of him, lives a life of leisure and liberty
    -always got that fire

    wow this corny, some how made selling mid, the coolest job ever look corny and lame