literally lmao have u seen that 1000 pound sisters show?
no but that sounds disgusting lmao
literally promoting those women to stay in that shape instead of getting help
I feel like drinking and smoking would probably be worse for her body bc she's so small
i'll believe her that shes actually 22 but i cant help but feel this is aiming at particular sect of that toddlers and tiaras demographic
i'll believe her that shes actually 22 but i cant help but feel this is aiming at particular sect of that toddlers and tiaras demographic
Why, just because she’s broadcasting herself? Is she not allowed to?
Unless someone dated him as a social media publicity stunt,which is still sad. A dude would be faced with a lot of disadvantages with an informity like this.
so would a girl lol tf its literally a horrible situation for either gender
Bro TLC was jerking off at the opportunity. They're making so much money off of this wild premise
Damn this would be fire if it happened at like age 19-27
no your bones still need to grow and age tbh. I think physically you can go wrong here
Why, just because she’s broadcasting herself? Is she not allowed to?
she’s smoking, drinking and tw*rking in the body of an eight year old bro…
her sexualizing herself on TV causes indirect harm fr
she’s smoking, drinking and tw*rking in the body of an eight year old bro…
her sexualizing herself on TV causes indirect harm fr
dude censored twerking
trying to look the bright side of this she can infiltrate a lot of places, she should work as a double agent for the CIA
She should’ve been arresting Ghililstine Maxwell
Why, just because she’s broadcasting herself? Is she not allowed to?
i dont rly feel the way i do bc of her, rather bc of tlc producers
She should team up with Chris Hansen
You're joking, but she'd actually be perfect for that.
dude censored twerking
i dont want that age and twerking to be anywhere near each other. especially on this site where people like to screen shot out of context