she’s smoking, drinking and tw*rking in the body of an eight year old bro…
her sexualizing herself on TV causes indirect harm fr
So she should have to censor her life style because of her condition while everyone else her age is able to do whatever they want? From all the kids watching TLC? Instead of guardians moderating like they should? Or are we going to act like they don’t have access to all that s*** from their phones anyway?
Yeah and that girl that faked being a kid and tried to kill her adopted parents
Also Goku in GT
dude said goku in GT
tlc is the most exploitative channel lmao
i love how in the trailer they just send her into situations on purpose where you need to be old
hard to watch
im sorry but this is funny af
im sorry but this is funny af
Nah, that can’t be an actual roach crawling on the wall at the end lmaooooooooo
Tlc > only fans
But tbh sum dem 600lb life jawns would be 🔥 on OF
Niggas get on this site and start talking h**** for NO reason
Absolutely no. This is staged first and foremost. That 6'5'' dude is not hooking up with her. Plus... NO. lol. Just no.
Yeah and that girl that faked being a kid and tried to kill her adopted parents
Also Goku in GT
One of these things is not like the others
Honestly people on here are making light of the s***situation but I can’t imagine how that must impact her mentally.
If she could find someone that loves her as an adult with a medical condition and gives her peace of mind then good for her.
imagine ur babymother catch you slackin like « i saw you on tv tryna f*** on a little girl »