Like fighting for your life or handling it?
oh it was def trying to kill me
u kno what i feel like a eagle is actually manageable just for the fact they got to sink they claws in to attack giving u the chance to f*** em up
I gotta agree it'd be pretty easy to roll over and pin the thing once it's got you
Some of these animals are busy attacking other animals their whole life to survive and fat americans think they can beat them when they haven't fought anything in their life
"i could take a mountain lion no cap"
I feel like crocodile fight prowess is underestimated
im taking a croc over a lion
Don't think I could beat the medium sized dog tbh
Let it be a dog with rabies and no one stands a chance unless they got a gun
It's hard to kill a large dog in the first place lol. You have to hold it and kill it or pummel it to death. The average person couldn't do it easy
Yeah, people really underestimate how much that being fearless helps these animals when it comes down to it. There are like ~50lbs dogs that will fearlessly charge a brown bear for hunting.
how you killing this
! move it did like a snake is scary as s***
28% don’t think they could stomp on a rat
You can't keep up with the stealth and agility of the rat
You can't keep up with the stealth and agility of the rat
You can’t maybe
Why do these niggas think that
the people who think they can beat a grizzly were the ones startin fight with everyone in school then when someone step they cry and back down 🤣
btw im jk bout taking down a mountain lion
ive f***ed up a lizard before tho
You're posting this like I'm supposed to be embarrassed. And please don't misrepresent my argument. It's not that I could just walk up and beat a bear. Its, in a life or death scenario, there is no way I would let a bear kill me.
I feel like crocodile fight prowess is underestimated
im taking a croc over a lion
Crazy how the croc is an alpha on land and water
Crazy how the croc is an alpha on land and water
Steve Irwin made them look so sweet though ):