America full of pussies how can you not kill a rat
Rats are nasty man
And they quick quick
You're posting this like I'm supposed to be embarrassed. And please don't misrepresent my argument. It's not that I could just walk up and beat a bear. Its, in a life or death scenario, there is no way I would let a bear kill me.
Listen to Timothy Treadwell being ripped apart by a Grizzly Bear... you aren't surviving b
Rats are nasty man
And they quick quick
Facts but if u losing to a rat in a fight idk man
Geese are beasts I feel most people are writing them off but they’d be a formidable opponent
I live near a s*** load of canadian geese and them things terrorize people, they are super vicious
Facts but if u losing to a rat in a fight idk man
I don't think anyone would lose but the rat will definitely be able to bite you a few times
I live near a s*** load of canadian geese and them things terrorize people, they are super vicious
Geese attack people for no reason, it's so weird lmao
It's like they just wanna start s*** sometimes
Listen to Timothy Treadwell being ripped apart by a Grizzly Bear... you aren't surviving b
nobody on this site is beating anything below large dog without a gun. anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional
Facts but if u losing to a rat in a fight idk man
I don't think they meant they would lose
Think they meant it's to fast to be able to kill
TBH Synopsis really isn’t that wrong in the statement, humans have fought and even killed bears having to defend themselves from an attack with their hands.
A grizzy bear, tiger, gorilla are all light work to me. One good shot to the jaw and they’re done
Then again I got African blood running through these veins I’m not like most of you Europeans
TBH Synopsis really isn’t that wrong in the statement, humans have fought and even killed bears having to defend themselves from an attack with their hands.
They must of found some kinda weapon then
That's the only way
Geese attack people for no reason, it's so weird lmao
!'s like they just wanna start s*** sometimes
The fact that the people filming knew the goose was gonna fight before the guy did